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[folder: General]

[AC: FridgeBrilliance]

  • How do the absurdly large group tributes such as all of humanity fit inside the Arena? Simple, the Gamemakers make a new one to accommodate them every season.
  • There's an event where a tribute uses a weather manipulation device to make it sunny. While one might find it odd that this can also happen at night, it's based on the move [Franchise/Pokemon Sunny Day], which can be used even at night.

[AC: FridgeHorror]

  • There are potential events in which tributes end up with children. There's one where a tribute adopts an abandoned baby and names it after another tribute, another where two tributes have a child and present it to the other tributes WesternAnimation/TheLionKing style, and another where a tribute drags another tribute onto the [Series/Maury Maury Show] for a DNA test.[note]The last two events have since been purged due to the OG Season 230 controversy.[/note] If the parents in these situations [DeceasedParentsAreTheBest die], their baby essentially [OrphansOrdeal becomes an orphan]. Because only [ThereCanOnlyBeOne one tribute] can come out of the Games [CharactersDroppingLikeFlies alive], this is a very likely thing to happen.
  • Saying that a lot of blood is spilled whenever an absurdly large group tribute is killed would be a massive Understatement. Just imagine a tsunami, but with the blood of millions, if not billions of freshly killed tributes flooding the Arena.
    • And that's not even mentioning the number of corpses littering the Arena afterwards. The rotting smell from them is already Squicky enough, but if a tribute ever comes across them...
  • The very existence of a children's playground in the Arena is just a painful reminder of all the underage tributes who have been nominated since the dawn of time.


[folder: Original Generation]

[AC: FridgeBrilliance]

  • In Season 2, [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Lapis Lazuli] was drowned by [Comic/TheUnbelievableGwenpool Gwen Poole] and Solanum. While it may be a case of DeathByIrony since Lapis controls water and doesn't need to breathe because she's [SiliconBasedLife a rock-based alien], real lapises dissolve in water.
  • WesternAnimation/Mulan's murderous rampage that cemented her as the sole Mass Murderer of Season 106 might be just another CuteAndPsycho lady in the making, but it actually makes sense because she's a soldier who fought the Huns and buried thousands of them in an avalanche in canon.
  • In Season 108, [Series/LazyTown Stingy Spoilero] tied up [WesternAnimation/SpongeBobSquarePants Squidward Tentacles] and threw him into the nearest lake. While it seems nonsensical for an octopus[note]as stated by WordOfGod despite his name[/note] to drown, he's still a saltwater animal, and he couldn't have survived in a freshwater lake.
  • In Season 157, [Franchise/Ben10 Dr. Viktor] experienced a death by crucifixion at the hands of [WesternAnimation/ChipNDaleRescueRangers Lahwhinie], a tiny little mouse. A such, his death was very much a [TheWorfEffect worfing]. This is already pretty funny by itself, but it's even funnier when you realize that Dr. Viktor is voiced by [Creator/MichaelDorn Michael Dorn] AKA [Franchise/StarTrek Worf].
  • In Season 191, [Franchise/KingdomHearts Blue Rhapsody] burned its cooking with a flamethrower, despite winning a literal CookingDuel against [Franchise/DragonBall Frieza] the other day. Turns out it was good at other cooking techniques except for using a flamethrower!
  • In Season 205, [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Izuku Midoriya] grabbed a first aid kit in the Bloodbath. As someone who constantly [CastFromHitPoints injures himself using his Quirk], it's best for him to keep medical supplies in handy.
  • In Season 209, [VideoGame/FinalFantasyXV Ardyn Izunia] joined a re-enactment of WesternAnimation/FindingNemo, as (much to Tropers/IchigoMontoya and [Tropers/DaveTheAssassin dave_the_assassin]'s surprise) Nemo himself. While at first glance it's improbable for Ardyn, who's a manipulative|Bastard and [AxCrazy insane] EvilChancellor, to play such a CheerfulChild, it's entirely possible that he intended to troll everybody else, including the players, since he really loves trolling around.
    • And then, the next day, Ardyn quickly questioned his sanity. While in Final Fantasy XV he already knows that he's insane because of all the daemons he has absorbed throughout his life, [SugarWiki/FunnyMoments it's possible that this time, he regretted playing Nemo for trolls' sake.]
  • In Season 212, [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Himiko Toga] and a Hammond B3 Mk II attempted to get into the [WesternAnimation/SpongeBobSquarePants Salty Spittoon], only for the former to be kicked out while the latter, which was an organ, was accepted. While this is already funny in itself, it gets funnier if you realize the possibility that Himiko [VoluntaryShapeshifting disguised herself as a stronger tribute] to enter, only for the authorities to catch wind of her!
  • In Season 215, [Franchise/Pokemon Buneary] [CuteAndPsycho went on a rampage] and made the most kills. While this is to be expected among "cute" tributes, Buneary is a special case because it's the only Pokémon that can learn Frustration naturally, and its base Friendship is zero.
  • In Season 229, [VideoGame/StardewValley the Dwarf] fell asleep during an attempted stakeout on [VideoGame/Dota2 Roshan's] camp. Why did the Dwarf fall asleep so easily? Well, the night before, [VideoGame/Ys Yunica Tovah] blinded them by throwing sand in their eyes. With that in mind, getting sand in the eyes would probably make it hard for anyone to sleep.

[AC: FridgeHorror]

  • In Season 1, [VideoGame/CrashBandicoot Komodo Joe] failed to make a fire. Given that he's a reptile, and therefore must gain bodily heat by basking near a radiant source of heat...
  • In Season 86, oxygen (yes, as in the chemical element) "competed" in the Games. Thankfully, it lasted long enough before spontaneously combusting in the end, but what would've happened to those who needed it if it "died" early?
    • Of course, in Season 88 it "dies", and [AntiClimax absolutely nothing happens].
  • A meta example: Season 87 was a Murderer's Death Battle, while Season 88 was a Hall of Fame Battle Royale season. Had it been the other way around, the contestants of that Battle Royale would've been from Season 88 to 99. This meant that had the situation turned out differently, Season 100 would have been a Battle Royale instead of the first Troper Games.
    • This is because there was a mistake in determining who the most murderous tribute(s) was/were in Season 54, which was only discovered many seasons after the fact. Specifically, [Franchise/StarWars Captain Phasma] was tied with [VideoGame/FinalFantasyV Shinryu] for the most kills (6), but no one noticed that she unfairly got an extra kill due to her being involved in the "long, drawn-out battle event"[note]where she killed Oleg Lyashko before being killed by [Franchise/Danganronpa Byakuya Togami], but it registered as two kills for both Phasma and Togami[/note]. As a result, she still got away with participating in the Murderers' Death Battle of Season 87. Since Retconning her out left an empty spot in the roster for that season, the two seasons would have to be switched to determine the final contestant for it, and that would've [ForWantOfANail radically altered the course of HGS history.]
  • In Season 144, [VideoGame/PokemonSunAndMoon Team Skull] hid inside a cake to surprise [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Junko Kaname] on her birthday, only for her to eat the entire cake in one gulp. Reminder that she unknowingly ate the entire organization in one gulp, not just Guzma, Plumeria, and two of their Grunts, as shown in their pic.
  • In Season 208, [VideoGame/Undertale Asgore Dreemurr], an anthropomorphic goat, drank straight from a chocolate fountain. It's a miracle that he survived since chocolate contains theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs as well as goats.
    • And then in the Feast, he brought [VisualNovel/AngelsWithScalyWings Adine] a big Toblerone, only to decide that she didn't deserve it. Here's hoping he didn't decide to eat it himself...
    • [VideoGame/TaikoNoTatsujin Don-chan] [AscendedFridgeHorror then exploited this by feeding Asgore just that], causing him to melt into a gray puddle. It's possible that Don [TamperingWithFoodAndDrink poisoned] it first, [ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill just to make sure that Asgore was dead.]


[folder: Reboot]

[AC: FridgeBrilliance]

  • In Season 4, if [VideoGame/LenEn Hibaru] had thrown rocks at just about any other tribute, then the tribute killing them for doing so would have been an example of DisproportionateRetribution. But in this case, it wasn't. Why? Because the person that Hibaru was throwing rocks at was [Franchise/Ben10 Azmuth], who belongs to a species that, on average, is only five inches tall. With that in mind, Azmuth was more than likely only acting in self-defense because being hit with a big enough rock could actually kill him. And it certainly doesn't help that, right before this happened, [Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda Ganon] had bludgeoned his father Retaliator to death with a rock.
  • In Season 11, [WesternAnimation/Ben10Omniverse Crüjo, Dr. Viktor, and Kuphulu] gave [Literature/Redwall Ferahgo the Assassin] blue and yellow gifts, only for him to reject them. This is because Ferahgo's a weasel, who belongs to the same family as ferrets, and thus can only see red.
  • In the Bloodbath for Season 27, [Manga/TheDisastrousLifeOfSaikiK Kusuo Saiki], a psychic teenager, kills [Franchise/Pokemon Pinsir], a Bug-type, when the latter has stumbled while running. Not only are Psychics weak to Bugs in Pokémon, but Saiki canonically [WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes fears bugs]. With that in mind, it's pretty impressive that he was able to kill Pinsir at all!
  • In Season 51, [Franchise/Spyro Malefor] made a burn that was so sick that [ComicBook/SpiderMan The] [Main/MemeticMutation Boys] [LiteralMetaphor literally caught fire.] Maybe it could be the burn itself, or Malefor just burned The Boys himself since he was a fire-breathing dragon.
  • Towards the end of Season 218, [WesternAnimation/Encanto Antonio Madrigal] [PlayingPossum played dead] in hopes to stop [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Nemo] from killing him, but the latter soon caught on and made sure he was truly dead. Not only is it plausible for Antonio, a 5-year-old kid who [SpeaksFluentAnimal can talk to animals], to try playing dead as a survival tactic, Nemo already knew something was up because he had played dead in canon: to try tricking Dr. P. Sherman into flushing him down the toilet.

[AC: FridgeHorror]

  • In Season 18, [WesternAnimation/ChipNDaleRescueRangers Sewernose de Bergerac] felt hot one night, so [MemeticMutation Cursed] [WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons Homer Simpson] made an icy fire for him. This would've been okay if it weren't for the fact that Sewernose is cold-blooded, meaning that he needs outside heat to survive. It seems that HistoryRepeats given what [VideoGame/CrashBandicoot Komodo Joe] went through in the OG pilot.
  • In Season 54, Machinima/GorgeousFreeman killed Jon Taffer by putting him on two boats and force feeding him milk and honey. What makes this horrifying is that this is based on an ancient execution called [CruelAndUnusualDeath scaphism], which took many days to kill its victim, and even then the death was agonizing. It could be possible that Jon Taffer didn't die that day, [FateWorseThanDeath but survived until the end of the season, while suffering a lot].
    • However, this technically would've messed up the placements, so it's also possible that Jon's death was somehow sped up, but that doesn't make it any better.
  • In Season 59, [WesternAnimation/StarWarsTheCloneWars Hardcase] somehow managed to kill and eat the whole population of [VideoGame/NationStates Netflixworld], which consisted of more than one billion people, after they all asked Hardcase to cook for them. It seems to be impossible unless you realize that a few days before, Netflixworld's entire population got shrunken when they fired a shrinking beam at [Film/TheGodfather Michael Corleone], only for the latter's dog tags to deflect the beam at them.


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