
Page last edited 75 days ago
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Warning: Do not follow all the rules at once; your liver won't thank you (in fact, this is one of the custom events in the Simulator itself, where two tributes play this DrinkingGame, and one of them wins but dies of alcohol poisoning).

  • Take a shot for every character considered to be OP in their work who gets Worf'd. Take another if it's by a character that's way below their weight class, and another if it's during the bloodbath.
  • Take a shot every time a limbless tribute does something that requires, well, limbs.
  • Take a shot every time a certain character is nominated more than once (this may be ignored if it's a Battle Royale or Death Battle, since everyone's renominated by default.)
  • Take a shot whenever someone dies by getting ganged up on by a group of tributes or a [TheDividual group tribute] consisting of an exceptional number of characters.
  • Take a shot whenever a Crack Pairing happens during the season's regular bouts of Ship Tease.
  • Take a shot every time someone mentions Brain Bleach
  • Take a shot every time a character does something that they wouldn't be able to do in their work.
  • Take a shot for every Pun made by the host or one of the spectators.
    • Two if it's Troper No 9001.[note]Though you might want to skip this part if she hosts.[/note]
  • Take a shot every time a character dies an improbable death (e. g. An Ice Person dying from hypothermia, someone who can breathe underwater drowning, a non-living object dying from poison or strangulation, a character who can fly falling off a cliff, etc).
  • Take a shot every time someone tries to tempt fate.
    • Take two if someone makes a point of not tempting fate, only for this to backfire on them.
    • Three if the person doing this is Tropers/PresidentStalkeyes.
  • Take a shot whenever a recurring tribute gets the Butt Monkey treatment.
  • Take a shot every time a character forgets that they can escape certain deaths using their powers.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if it's Kirby.
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute kills their own blood relative.
  • Take two shots whenever the death count for the day reaches double digits.
  • Take a shot when a tribute manages to land a podium finish without killing anyone.
    • Two if they end up winning.
  • Take a shot and facepalm whenever one of your tributes kills another of your tributes.
    • Two if they're from the same district or if it happens at the bloodbath.
    • Three if they’re related or otherwise good friends or lovers in their source material.
    • Down the bottle and let out a drunken stream of Angrish if the killer dies shortly afterwards.
  • Take a shot whenever a Moe character goes on a murderous rampage.
    • Two if someone lampshade hangs the fact.
    • For the Original Generation, take three if it's a Cure, an Azumanga Daioh character, or a rabbit
    • For the Reboot, take three if it's an VideoGame/EarthBound[=/=]VideoGame/Mother character or a sheep.
  • Take a shot when a tribute does something that's actually rather in-character for them.
    • Two if the host says "(character) does what (something related to said character) does" or any variation of it.
    • Two if said event was specifically tailored to that tribute (e. g. [VideoGame/Undertale Undyne suplexing a boulder, just because she can]; a Webcomic/Homestuck character playing Sburb, etc.).
  • Take a shot whenever a player reacts poorly to their tributes performing ineptly and dying unceremoniously.
    • Two if it's Tropers/InfinityRyujin, Tropers/IchigoMontoya, Tropers/PresidentStalkeyes, Tropers/VengefulBale, or Tropers/Warmaster23rat.
  • Take a shot whenever someone asks who'll be the next host, runner, or both.
    • Two if the person asking is Tropers/IchigoMontoya or Tropers/TroperNo9001.
    • Two if a host/runner is found, but someone asks who's gonna do the other role for the season.
  • Take a shot whenever tributes get into a rap battle/war with each other.
    • Two if characters who are incapable of human speech are involved.
  • Take a shot if a newly suggested event is some type of CruelAndUnusualDeath.
  • Take a shot whenever an inanimate object is nominated.
    • Two if it's an abstract concept, location, or a celestial body, or if 4fterthought, Tropers/TheGamechanger, Tropers/AbsolSigma, or Tropers/computerfan0's the one nominating it.
    • Three if it makes it to the Hall of Fame, or if one of the players says something along the lines of "it's going to be one of those seasons" during the nomination period.
  • Take two shots if two arena events happen in one season.
    • Take one more if three.
  • Take a shot whenever a season averts the OneSteveLimit.
    • Two if a player intentionally does this by nominating tributes who all have the same name.
      • Three if said tributes are body-swapped, and if it's Tropers/MummyGaGa who nominates them that way.
  • Take a shot when, during a Battle Royale or Murderers' Battle, a contender who did exceptionally well in one of the seasons leading up to it dies unceremoniously in the Bloodbath.
  • Take two shots if two or more characters are nominated as one tribute.[note]This can be skipped if a themed season is composed entirely of these.[/note]
    • Take another shot if it's a whole team of characters.
    • Take four shots instead if it's a huge group of characters like "all of humanity".
      • Add one more if Tropers/TheGamechanger nominates it.
  • Take a shot whenever a character acts like the exact opposite of their canon selves.
  • Take a shot whenever one tribute reveals to the other that they're their long-lost sibling or their parent.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if a Franchise/Pokemon is involved in the sibling reveal.
    • Take two if it involves the Russian Reversal version, where some tears of joy discover a tribute is their long-lost relative somehow.
    • Take three if the tribute kills the other one immediately after the reveal.
  • Take a shot if a tribute kills a group tribute, but doesn't make the most kills at the end.[note]For technical reasons, group tributes only count towards one kill.[/note]
    • Do a Double Take and take another if they actually do.
    • Take another shot if by killing said group tribute, the killer looks like an Omnicidal Maniac.
    • And down a quick one if they kill that group tribute in the Bloodbath, immediately cementing them as the technical mass murderer of the season.
  • Take a shot if a tribute declares themselves the Final Boss of the Hunger Games Simulator, only to die immediately after.
    • Take a shot if they don't die and actually go on to be a podium finisher. You can also add extra shots for extra fun depending on their place (third is one shot, second is two, and first is three).
  • Take a shot for every tribute that dies in the bloodbath.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute finds another tribute's sock drawer.
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute receives something from an unknown sponsor.
    • Two shots if the thing in question is a live explosive.
    • Add one shot to either of the above if someone sarcastically says that the tribute doing the receiving has supportive sponsors.
    • Spit out your drink if it's revealed who the sponsor is.
  • Take a shot if a tribute that doesn't normally wear clothes loses or gets their "clothes" stolen, or if they receive a wedgie from another tribute, or if someone compliments their "outfit".
    • For the Original Generation, take two if any of the above happens to a pony.
  • Down the bottle and scream in frustration if your tribute finishes in 4th place without the most kills, just missing the chance to be a podium finisher.
    • Down another bottle and scream even louder if your other tribute ends up finishing in 5th without the most kills.
  • For the Original Generation, take a shot if a Ben 10 character dies before Day Five [note]because at one point, for a long time, this had been the furthest that any Ben 10 character had ever made it[/note].
    • Take another shot if the character also died without getting a kill.
    • Take another shot if the character also died in the Bloodbath, Day One, or Night One.
    • Take another shot if the character was worf'd.
    • Take another shot if the character gets a podium finish or most kills in a gag save.
    • Down the whole drink if the character gets a podium finish or most kills in a CANON save.
  • Take a shot if Zanreo nominates a Neptunia, Consolers or Rhythm Game character.
    • Take a shot if she nominates her favorite [MemeticMutation meme-related] character, CATS.
    • For the Reboot, take a shot if it's a Yakuza character.
  • Take a shot if Tropers/TroperNo9001 nominates a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, or Magic School Bus character.
    • Take another shot if she nominates Toriel or Carlos, her favorite characters from Undertale and MSB, respectively.
      • Add one more shot if she nominates Sans and Carlos together, or an Experiment and a Pokémon together.
  • Take a shot if IchigoMontoa nominates a Star Wars, DC Comics, or Marvel Comics character or one of his OTPs as one tribute.
  • Take a shot if Psychedelicate nominates a character from Danganronpa or My Hero Academia, or a K-POP star.
    • Two if she nominates Kazuichi Souda or Eijirou Kirishima, her favourite characters from the former and latter anime respectively, or a BTS or Stray Kids member.
      • Three if she nominates either of the latter bands as one tribute.
    • Take another if at least one of them has been nominated in a different Season by a different player.
  • Take a shot if Oggy123 nominates a Kirby or EarthBount (1994)/MOTHER 3 tribute.
    • Two if it's Kirby for the former or any of the Chosen Four for the latter.
      • Three if it's the latter as one tribute.
    • For the Reboot, take a shot if he nominates one of his drawings.
      • Take two if it's the Earth, Sun, or Moon, video game entities like the Smash Letter, or an animal version of a Touhou or Neptunia character.
  • Take a shot if Billy5545 nominates an Arknights, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, SpongeBob SquarePants, Touhou, Persona, or Project SEKAI character. Alternatively, take a shot if Billy nominates from random source materials that are often not nominated from much by other nominators.
    • Two if Billy nominates major characters from any source materials who haven't made their debut (both as a solo tribute or in a small group) in TVT HGS.
  • Take a shot if AlbertThompsonJr nominates a Franchise/FireEmblem character.
  • Take a shot if Ozbourne nominates a Bob's Burgers character, an Office (US) character, or one of her Murderverse OCs.
  • Take a shot if Zooterkins nominates an VideoGame/FTLFasterThanLight spaceship.
  • Take a shot if DontJinxUs nominates a meme.
  • Take a shot if Cutegirl920fire nominates someone from royalty or a historical figure.
    • Two if it's Marie Antoinette, Zelda Fitzgerald, or F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Take a shot if GamerLuna2022 nominates a Manga/DropkickOnMyDevil character.
  • Take a shot if MummyGaGa nominates either a merfolk tribute or a tribute from the Fate Series, Sonic the Hedgehog, and and Genshin Impact.
    • Take two if he nominates a merfolk version of a Fate/Sonic/Genshin Impact character.
  • Take a shot if Letooce nominates a Sparklecare (2018) character.
  • Take a shot if VengefulBale nominates Meta Knight or Lucina.
    • Two if he nominates them in the same season, whether separately or as one tribute.
  • Take a shot if JankyKong nominates a character from the Mega Man series.
  • Take a shot if BamBangDoe nominates a character from Serious Sam or M.U.G.E.N
  • Take a shot if NineTailedCat nominates a tribute from Battle for Wesnoth, Magic: The Gathering, Mass Effect, or Rain World.
  • Take a shot if Tropers/CosmosAndChaos uses the heart emoji to react to a cute event in the season.
    • Take another if it involves one or more foxes.
      • One more if he nominated foxes himself.
  • Take a shot if a player nominates an unexpected tribute.
  • Take a shot if you go to sleep and wake up to find one or both of your tributes dead the next day.
  • Take a shot whenever a player predicts how their tributes will do before a season even begins.
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute dies ironically.
    • Two if another tribute plays "Ironic" on their speakers after seeing the ironic death.
  • Take a shot if someone nominates a clone of an existing tribute.
    • Take another if it's Tropers/TacoBadger, and another if the latter names the clone Ron.
    • Take one more if they're cloned due to qualifying twice in the same Battle Royale cycle and are named Ron to differentiate them.
  • Take a shot whenever a certain tribute does a good job in one or more gag saves, only to perform much more incompetently and die unceremoniously in the actual season.
    • Take a shot, then put the glass bottom-side-up if a tribute who performs poorly in a season does exceptionally well in the gag save after it.
  • Take a shot when a tribute who's normally decent in their canon work becomes The Scrappy among players due to the simulator's random nature subjecting them to a case of Adaptational Villainy.
  • Take a shot if a tribute who's a jerk or outright villain in their canon work is subjected to a case of AdaptationalHeroism.
  • Take a shot whenever one tribute kills another for a petty reason.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if a Franchise/Danganronpa character does this.
  • When he's hosting, take a shot when Tropers/TheGamechanger intends to go to sleep after his last update, only to make one more because he can't.
  • Take a shot if someone asks if there's any progress with tribute input/running/screening.
    • Two if it's Tropers/TroperNo9001.
  • Take a shot if a previous podium finisher and/or mass murderer winds up performing poorly in their next non-Battle Royale/Death Battle appearance.
  • Take a shot if a fatal event that you submitted yourself kills one of your own tributes.
    • Take two shots if it's the first appearance of the fatal event you submitted that kills them.
  • Take a shot if both of your tributes are killed by the same tribute.
    • Three if they both die in the same attack.
  • Take a long shot if for whatever reason other than sleeping or other emergencies, the gap between updates is longer than usual.
  • Take a brief shot if the gap between updates is shorter than usual.
    • Three if the host is Tropers/Billy5545 or Tropers/SomeLibre.
  • Take a shot whenever a host with a detailed writing style steps up to host a season (ie Tropers/TheMemeMan or Tropers/Scipion3)
  • Take a shot if one of the players points out that a fatal event isn't actually worded in a way that suggests fatality or vice versa.
    • Two if said ambiguous wording causes the event to be critically broken, causing the wrong tribute to be killed or making them survive what's supposed to be a fatal event.
  • Take a shot if a tribute kills President Snow.
  • Take a shot if one of the players submits an event involving President Snow.
    • Take another shot if the event revolves around a tribute killing Snow, a tribute getting killed by Snow, or a tribute getting romantic with him.
      • Take one more if Tropers/MummyGaGa suggests a Snow event.
  • Take a shot if a tribute accidentally kills another.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if it's a Manga/MyHeroAcademia character who does it.
  • Take a shot if a tribute turns into an ImprobableWeaponUser.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if it's a WesternAnimation/FindingNemo tribute.
      • Three if it's either member (or all members) of the main trio (Marlin, Dory, and Nemo).
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute ends up being The Woobie.
  • Take a shot if an arena event prompts particularly late in the Season.
    • Take two shots if said arena event determines the final outcome of the Season.
  • Take a shot if the reason a save ends up being a gag save and not the canon save is because of an early arena event.
    • Two shots if there's more than one arena event in said gag save.
  • Do a double take and then take a shot if an arena event, against all odds, manages to not kill any of the tributes.
  • Take a shot if the Feast somehow doesn't prompt in a Season.
  • Take a shot if nobody dies in the Feast.
  • Take a shot if none of the tributes die during the Bloodbath.
  • Take a shot if a tribute's only fatal attack during a Season is a multi-kill attack that lands them with the most kills.
    • Two shots if they end up with a non-tied kill count (they're the only tribute with that many kills)
      • Three shots if this happens in the Bloodbath or during the first 2-3 days, and yet another shot if they also die early.
  • Take a shot whenever a season has five or more tributes tied for most kills.
  • Take a shot if five or more gag saves are posted between seasons.
    • Two if Tropers/StarAndroidJaguar, Tropers/MummyGaGa, or Tropers/FollowTheMap is behind all of them.
      • Three if no runner has been decided yet.
  • Take a shot if someone asks if there are any spots left during the sign-up phase.
  • Take a shot if both of your tributes die in the same update.
    • Add another shot if this not only happens in the same update, but the same part. For example, Day One.
      • Add another shot if they both die in the same event.
      • Add another shot if this happens in the Bloodbath.
    • Add another shot if it happens to Tropers/InfinityRyujin and he complains about it.
  • Take a shot if a prophecy predicting that a certain tribute will ultimately kill the other or vice versa does not come true.
    • Two if it's because one of the tributes involved decided to change their fate.
    • Do a DoubleTake and spit out your drink if it actually does.
  • Take a shot if a tribute gets killed or otherwise dies in the same way they killed another tribute.
  • Take a shot if a player who has nominated a pair of siblings mentions the possibility of said siblings killing each other.
    • Two if this actually happens in the season.
  • Take a shot if any of the players say that they wish a particular gag save had been the canon season.
    • Two if this is because one of their tributes was a podium finisher and/or mass murderer in the gag save.
  • Take a shot if someone changes their tributes during the nomination period.
    • Two if it's because there are too many watchlisted[note]underage or otherwise[/note] tributes giving the runner a hard time finding a good save.
    • Three if it's Tropers/Oggy123.
  • Take a shot every time someone misses out.
    • Two if a nominator then relinquishes one of their tributes to let the nominator who misses out enter
      • Three if a nominator relinquishes their entire spot.
  • Take a shot if someone nominates an alternate version of a canon character, canonical or otherwise.
    • Two if they're nominated alongside their canon selves.
  • Take a shot if a troper says "(X), I am disappoint", "You had one job, (X)", "God dammit, (X)" or "Sigh" after one (or more) of their tributes dies.
    • Two if it's Tropers/IchigoMontoya who says one of the former two or Tropers/InfinityRyujin who says one of the latter two.
      • Three if Ichi says with a Dull Surprise that the RNG is "anti-[trait shared among his tributes]".
  • Take a shot if 4fterthought or Billy5545 says "oof" after one or both of their tributes die.
  • Take a shot if a tribute kills another tribute in a gag save and then proceeds to kill the very same tribute in the canon season.
  • Give a toast to a newcomer and take a shot together if they get a podium finisher and/or mass murderer in their first season.
  • Take a shot if two tributes belonging to the same player become hall of famers in the same season.
  • Take a shot whenever the Sorting Hat sorts a tribute into an unfitting house.
    • Two if it intentionally does just to mess with them.
      • Three if they're sorted in Sparklypoo (the MarySue house in the Harry Potter fandom).
  • Take a shot if a normally vegetarian tribute eats meat.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if it's a pony who does it.
  • Take a shot if someone nominates tributes, not knowing that it's the Battle Royale/Death Battle, when they should be nominating their contenders instead.
  • Take a shot if someone suggests an event inspired by their own or someone else's tributes.
    • Two if it's a variant of an existing event instead.
  • Take a shot if two tributes perform a FastballSpecial to kill a third one.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if one or both of them are ponies, à la [Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS3E2TheCrystalEmpirePart2 Princess Cadance and Shining Armor].
  • Take a shot if a tribute breaks down crying upon receiving word about the death of a loved one on the first day, and if a player infers that said loved one is from the tribute's source material and they died offscreen.
  • Take a shot whenever a particularly powerful tribute is kicked out of the Salty Spittoon for supposedly being "too weak."
    • Take another shot if the tribute who got in is significantly weaker than them.
  • Take a shot if two players switch roles in hosting/running.
  • Take a shot if a tribute absorbs Earth's life force and corrupts the planet in the process during the Bloodbath.
    • Three if they're killed by another tribute before they can finish the job.
  • Take a shot if a tribute snaps and kills several others at once.[note]Not accounting for group tributes.[/note]
    • Two if they kill five tributes[note]the maximum number of victims in a kill event in the old sim[/note] or more in one event.
    • Three if this makes them the most murderous at the end.
      • Four if they're {cute|AndPsycho} or [AdaptationalVillainy heroic] in their source material.
    • Down the entire bottle and question your sanity if they kill 10 or more tributes at once.
  • Take a shot every time a group tribute wins in a competition against all the individuals.
    • For the Original Generation, take two if someone brings up the Red Squadron incident from Season 174.[note]They ended up winning every contest they were in.[/note]
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute who didn't fare well under one nominator, especially if they've appeared in several seasons beforehand, performs phenomenally when another player nominates them.
  • For the Reboot, take a shot every time a tribute consumes a strange food/drink labeled "Eat Me"/"Drink Me", causing them to grow taller/shrink.
    • Two if it happens in the Bloodbath or if they die while doing so.
  • Take a shot if two similar events happen one after another.
    • Two if it's the exact same event.
  • Take a shot if a tribute wrongly calls out another for being a killer.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute transforms into another species or disguises themselves as another tribute through Shapeshifting.
    • Two if they turn into a NinjaPirateZombieRobot as a result of multiple transformations.
    • Finish your drink if a mass transformation event (as, in an event where all of the tributes transform into a different species aside from the ones are within that different species to begin with) ends up happening
  • Take a shot every time a tribute gets a power-up or transforms into a more powerful form.
  • Take a shot if a tribute gets punished or mistreated for their good deeds.
    • Two if they're killed for them.
  • Take a shot for every body part a tribute loses.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute does something stupid.
  • Take a shot every time one of the players doesn't get the reference in an event.
    • Two if it's Tropers/Psychedelicate (in the OG) or Tropers/IchigoMontoya (in the Reboot).
    • Two if Tropers/TroperNo9001 explains the event, and one more if it's because Ichi said "wat" at the event instead of directly asking if it's a ref.
      • Three if she does it before someone asks.
  • For the Reboot, take two shots every time Starlight Glimmer kills one of Tropers/VengefulBale's tributes.
    • Three if she kills both or all of them.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute celebrates their birthday.
    • Two if they have a canon birthday and/or age, dating the season.
      • Three if another tribute celebrates their canon birthday, but it's far from the first's, thus messing up the timeline.
  • Take a shot every time someone asks when the next update is.
    • Two if it's Tropers/IchigoMontoya or Tropers/Psychedelicate.
  • Take a shot if a tribute gets into the exact same event twice during the same season, and another for each time it happens again.
    • Two if the second time happens the day/night after the first time.
  • Take a shot for every broken event that happens during a canon season.
    • Two if Tropers/IchigoMontoya points out a grammatically broken one.
      • Three if the event's a fatal event mistakenly made nonfatal or vice versa, or if it has the wrong tribute killed, and four if it happens in a season ran by Tropers/Billy5545. Likewise, down the entire bottle if one of those broken events result in a tribute cheating and getting a podium finish by surviving when they shouldn't in a fatal event.
  • Down the entire bottle and try to realize what's going on when a tribute subjects another tribute to the entire list of non-blacklisted fatal events.
  • Take a shot if someone intentionally relinquishes a spot for a troper who missed the nomination period.
    • Two if the one who misses out is a player who has never joined a previous season before, especially those who has been trying to get in for few seasons, but keep failing.
    • Alternatively, Two if the one who misses out declines. Three if the one declining has never joined a single season yet.
    • Three if either the single tribute of the relinquisher or those who have been given the spot makes it to the Hall of Fame.
  • Take a shot if a tribute gets into an event mentioning "the above/below event", but it's the first/last event that day/night.
  • Take a shot if a player offers to host, only to be forced to drop out while hosting due to real life responsibilities.
  • Take a shot if a player offers to run, only for them to fail to find a good save until they are tired, forcing them to relinquish the role to another player.
    • Take two shots if a player is running with another backing up, and the one backing up finds a good save before the original runner.
    • Take three shots if a player thinks they have found a good save, only for it to contain a blacklisted or broken event that isn't detected the first time, forcing another player to take over running, with said player eventually finding the good save.
  • Take a shot if a player thinks they have found a good save, only for it to contain a blacklisted or broken event that isn't detected the first time, forcing them to rerun.
  • Take a shot if players nominate a lot of watchlisted tributes in a season.
    • Two if the runner can make the season work with Regular Save despite the Watchlist size.
  • Down the entire bottle when you realize that a potential player who has never been in a previous season tries to join, but misses out and eventually gives up joining after a single season or few seasons of trying.
  • Take a shot if a tribute gets incorrectly flagged.
    • Take two if their flag gets corrected.
      • Take three if a player gets disqualified after managing to get in for failing to flag their tributes.
  • Take a shot every time an event gets purged.[note]For this and below, do not do this for massive broken event dumps, because you will die.[/note]
  • Take a shot every time there is a grammatical error in an event.
  • Give a toast to the player and take a shot with them if they join the RP spinoff of Hunger Games Simulation, which is Another Side, Another Story.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute nominates a player to host or run the next season.
    • Two if said player goes through with it.
  • Take a shot if someone says after their tributes are dead that they'll just get their next ones ready for the next season.
    • Two if it's Tropers/IchigoMontoya who says that, and he does so in the penultimate update.
      • Three if it's Tropers/TroperNo9001 who says it instead, or if Ichi says it before the penultimate update.
    • Two if Tropers/Billy5545 says a variation of it (getting his tributes and events ready) immediately after he gets eliminated from the season.
  • Take a shot every time a tribute discovers they're allergic to another tribute's species by sneezing all over them.
    • Two if it turns out they're allergic to humans.
      • Three if [IronicAllergy they're human themselves.]
  • Take a shot if a tribute dies in the Bloodbath, but the RNG feels merciful for them and revives them.
    • Two if they end up dying on Day 1, anyway.
      • Three if the RNG changes its mind and kills them in the Bloodbath, anyway.
  • Take a shot whenever a Literal Metaphor-based event is suggested.
    • Two if Tropers/TroperNo9001 suggests at least one.[note]Like with puns, do not add more shots if she suggests more than one in the same post, because you will die.[/note]
  • Take a shot when Tropers/TroperNo9001 says how many tributes there are in a season post-new simulator (Season 258 onwards).
  • Take a shot if an unofficial themed season ends up happening.
    • Two if it was planned.
  • Take a shot if a tribute says either "Don't kill, and don't be killed", or "In this world, it's kill or be killed" to another tribute in the Bloodbath.
    • Two if the latter tribute kills someone or gets killed immediately after the former tribute says those words.
  • Take a shot if someone rolls for a random tribute to nominate.
  • Take a shot if a tribute is supposedly newly nominated, but someone points out that they technically appeared previously in a Massive Group Tribute such as EVERYTHING (which includes all tributes that have yet to appear at the time of nomination).
    • Two if this gets lampshaded in an event, or if Tropers/MummyGaGa does it.
  • Take a shot if the host roleplays the season as a host character, canon or OC.
  • Take a shot if a tribute from an unreleased work is nominated.
    • Two if their actions in the season are Hilarious/Harsher in Hindsight after the work's release.
    • Three if the work never gets released at all.
  • Down the entire bottle if a shipping event happens between two or more tributes with incompatible flags either through a misflag on at least one nominator's part, or through the runner overlooking the event.
  • For every official themed season, take a shot for when someone nominates a tribute that doesn't fit the season's theme season.
    • Take another shot if that tribute makes it to the Hall of Fame.
  • Take a shot whenever a tribute uses a power that they don't canonically have within their source material(s).
  • Take a shot if a tribute nominated by JankyKong comes in exactly 6th place.
    • Take a second shot if one of his tributes was a podium finisher in the previous season.
  • Take a shot if someone nominates LGBT tributes during Pride Month.
  • Take a shot if an event that was originally suggested unofficially as an idea or suggested officially for a season, but was unknowingly skipped, is rediscovered.
    • Take another shot if the event is later salvaged by being suggested officially in a season.
  • Take a shot if computerfan0 says ":(" when both its tributes die.