TV Tropes Hunger Games Simulation

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Hunger Games Simulation is a play-by-post game on the TVTropes Forum Games subsection.

Hgs logo.png

->"Only at the Trope Games can you find a snowman killing an intelligent, apex-predator dinosaur with some C4."

-DarkDestruction, after Chilly had used an explosive to kill off Indominus Rex and Rolf in OG Season 33.

The Hunger Games Simulation is a play-by-post game on the TV Tropes Forum Games subsection, launched by Arcada188, and it's Exactly What It Says On The Tin: a simulator of The Hunger Games. The Original Generation hosted 250 seasons and saw more than 5000 unique "tributes" (combatants) participating. The Reboot, titled Beyond the Possibilities, was launched by TheGamechanger here.

The mechanics are pretty complicated, but still simple enough for newer users. Players nominate two characters as tributes each (each nominated tribute must have a regular picture that will represent them throughout the game; a death pic that will be displayed when the tribute is killed is optional), then once a sufficient amount has been reached (at least 24, with bigger games possible in multiples of 12 and a maximum of 48), a chosen player "runs" the simulator. Once they have a "good save" (see the Save Runner Guidelines below, though it usually requires "only X deaths per update allowed" and "no early Arena Events" [certain events used to kill off more tributes than normal days/nights]), they screenshot it and send both the screens and the save privately to the host of the season, who will then narrate the events of the season to the other users in several updates, usually ranging around 2 - 4 days in real life. Starting from OG Season 12 onwards, players can also suggest custom events.

Anyone can join, but please note that usage of the text formatting rules, especially the escape sequence ([=[==]=]) is very recommended (if not outright mandatory) to help everyone, due to problems rising from broken events and others throughout the HGS history.

After the end of each season, the top three contestants and the most murderous are placed in the Hall of Fame for future reference. The OG and Reboot Hall of Fames can found in the Recap pages (new link) and (new link), and HGS Databases which document every single tribute submitted along with other stats can be found here and here for the OG, and here for the Reboot. (OG Status: Hall of Fame and Data spreadsheets currently accurate up to Season 114; Stats accurate up to Season 112) (Reboot Status: Hall of Fame and Data spreadsheets currently accurate up to Season 15; Stats accurate up to Season 13)

A Spin-Off thread where the players are free to run their own seasons can be found here. The LooseCanon RP Spin-Off, titled Convergence, can be found here. A Recap page for Convergence, which Needs Wiki Magic Love, can be found (link), as well as a discussion thread here.

On October 31st, 2019, it was announced that Convergence would be rebooted into a new RP continuing after the events of the original. The new RP, titled Another Side Another Story, can be found here.

Save Runner Guidelines[edit | edit source]

  1. No saves with an early arena event. These tend to wipe out an absurdly large number of tributes in the first few days, causing seasons to either end quickly or drag on with a few tributes left and low death rates in between.
  2. [invoked]Absolutely NO saves in which children or underage characters in general are involved in squicky/NSFW events. The save must be re-run, and if it has to be posted on the thread as a gag save, then it must be tagged with a ContentWarning. Tributes who [OlderThanTheyLook don't look] [YoungerThanTheyLook their age] and/or are [WhatMeasureIsANonHuman nonhuman] are not excused.

Tropes A-M[edit | edit source]

  • AnachronismStew:
    • Tributes from different time periods compete in the Games, and sometimes they are sponsored by companies which haven't been established in their time, like [VideoGame/KillerInstinct Ultratech] sponsoring the UsefulNotes/RMSTitanic in OG Season 221.
    • Birthday events can establish when a season began if the celebrant has a canon birthday and/or age. If it happens to another tribute with a birthday that's far from the first's, the timeline can become... [TimeyWimeyBall complicated.]
  • AnArmAndALeg: Tributes can lose one or more of their limbs, whether through fighting or falling into traps. There's even an event where a tribute [LifeOrLimbDecision amputates their arm to] [Film/OneHundredAndTwentySevenHours free themselves from being wedged between a boulder and a cliffside.]
  • AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence: One possible "death" scenario has a tribute do this rather than actually dying.
    • One of the first tributes to ascend was [Franchise/MegaMan Gutsman][MemeticMutation 's Ass], of all things, in OG Season 66.[labelnote:*]Technically, [Franchise/MetalGear Solidus Snake] was the first one to ascend, but it wasn't counted as a "death" event in OG Season 27.[/labelnote]
    • [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Homura Akemi] did this too in OG Season 68, [spoiler:just like in canon, or at least the manga.]
  • AscendedFridgeHorror: In OG Season 208, [VideoGame/Undertale Asgore Dreemurr], an anthropomorphic goat, drank straight from a chocolate fountain. Despite chocolate being not just dog poison, but also goat poison, he miraculously survived. [VideoGame/TaikoDrumMaster Don-chan] then exploited this by feeding Asgore just that, causing him to melt into a gray puddle.
    • Though it most likely wasn't just ordinary chocolate, as normal chocolate isn't [ExactWords disgusting enough to cause you to melt into grey goo]. He probably [TamperingWithFoodAndDrink tampered with it] first, [ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill just to be sure].
  • AuthorAvatar: Occasionally, players will enter themselves as a tribute. OG Seasons 100 and 200 were Milestone Celebrations in which every tribute was one of these.
  • AxCrazy: Tributes with a high body count seem to be this, regardless of their canonical personalities and morals.
    • [Franchise/Pokemon Dragonite] currently holds the record for the most kills made by any tribute, ending OG Season 32 with 10 kills, followed closely by [WesternAnimation/RickAndMorty Mr. Meeseeks], [Franchise/DragonBall Goku], Music/FrankSinatra, and [Webcomic/Homestuck His Honorable Tyranny], with 9 whopping kills each in OG Seasons 20, 31, 92, and 233, respectively.[note]Though His Honorable Tyranny technically killed an infinite number of [Videogame/TheSims Sims.][/note] [labelnote:Technically...]It should be noted that 'group tributes' (i.e. [TheDividual multiple characters entered as a single tribute]) only count towards one kill. When such tributes are broken down into individuals, certain tributes have been able to attain even higher killcounts. [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou] currently hold the absolute record when taking group tributes into account, with an infinity in total; from [OmnicidalManiac destroying everything that has existed, is existing, and will exist], in OG Season 231, all because [DisproportionateRetribution they were offended by Everything's Your Mama jokes.] Following closely are the [Literature/TheHungerGames Arena Forcefield], which chopped up all previous HGS tributes in OG Season 203, and [Webcomic/Homestuck Bec Noir] and [WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes Tweety Bird], who obliterated the omniverse along with a few other tributes in OG Seasons 175 and 194, respectively. And of course there's the long-holding former record holder, Winter [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Amethyst], who destroyed the multiverse and two others in OG Season 102.[/labelnote]
    • Reboot Season 19 had more than its fair share of bloodthirsty and violent tributes, with [WesternAnimation/StarWarsTheCloneWars Hardcase] proving to be the most murderous of the bunch.
    • [VideoGame/MonsterHunter Alatreon] ties Dragonite's record of ten kills in Reboot Season 56. Before that, [WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons Apu Nahasapeemapetilon] had the record for most kills in Reboot, with 9 kills during Season 29.
  • BackFromTheDead: Whenever a tribute who was killed in a previous season is re-nominated in a future one; the biggest examples being the podium finishers in the Battle Royales that hadn't won their respective games.
    • Reboot Season 56 infamously saw [Series/Survivor Jason's Stick] and Full Frontal experience events that were supposed to be fatal, but were coded incorrectly. None of them survived two days past that, however.
    • Before that in Reboot Season 51, the HGS Discord server was also supposed to DieLaughing, but survived as it was incorrectly coded.
  • TheBadGuyWins: Whenever a tribute who's a villain in their source material wins a season.
    • Taken UpToEleven in OG Seasons 113, 151, and 183, where [VillainEpisode every tribute is a villain.][note]Except for [WesternAnimation/SouthPark Eric Cartman] in OG Season 183.[/note]
    • OG Season 233 had Tamashii Hiroka win and [Film/GodzillaVsSpaceGodzilla Spacegodzilla] finishing second. [MakesJustAsMuchSenseInContext They were both revealed to be] [Literature/TheHungerGames President Snow] [MakesJustAsMuchSenseInContext in that game.]
  • BadassNormal: Some tributes are this, particularly [RealPersonFic if they're from real life]. Some examples from the OG are [Music/LinkinPark Chester Bennington], his bandmate [Music/FortMinor Mike Shinoda], [Music/ThePrettyReckless Taylor Momsen], Creator/MarkHamill, Creator/WilliamShakespeare and more.
  • BadassPacifist: In theory, it's possible for a tribute to win, or at least place very high, without killing anyone, as their opponents may also die of natural causes such as starvation, eating toxic berries, or [BreadEggsMilkSquick dysentery].
    • In OG Season 23, the [VideoGame/SuperPaperMario Dark Prognosticus] became the first ever pacifist victor, despite being a book.
    • And in OG Season 26, [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Sayaka Miki] survived both Arena events which took out almost all of her opponents, and she never made a single kill. In other words, her surviving the phantom invasions alone is what landed her in winner territory.
    • In a similar situation as Sayaka's, [Webcomic/Homestuck His Honorable Tyranny] ironically survived and won OG Season 248, the final Murderers' Death Battle, without killing anyone, by surviving both arena events. This was a far cry from his first appearance in OG Season 233, where he lived up to his name and killed nine tributes[note]technically an infinite number due to killing all the [VideoGame/TheSims Sims][/note].
    • [Franchise/Pokemon MissingNo.] became the first pacifist champion in the Reboot, doing so in Season 9.
  • BagOfSpilling: Any powerups or changes that a tribute acquires during a season don't carry over in their next appearance.
  • BattleRapping: Two custom events involve two tributes having an [WebVideo/EpicRapBattlesOfHistory epic rap battle] and five having an epic rap war.
  • BlackComedy:
    • The mass death in OG Season 16, caused by [KillerRabbit Murder Kittens].
    • In OG Season 181, [WesternAnimation/WanderOverYonder Wander] cracked open a cold one right as [Videogame/ShadowOfTheColossus the other Wander] [note]whose name was intentionally misspelled as "Wandar" to avoid confusion[/note] died of thirst.
    • In the post-season gag save of OG Season 213, [Franchise/MortalKombat Mokap] set up a kissing booth, but no other tributes showed up. He was apparently so upset about it that he went into a [WesternAnimation/Futurama suicide booth] the very next day.
    • In Reboot Season 26, [Franchise/StreetFighter Kolin] killed herself because she couldn't find an Arby's.
    • During Reboot Season 61's Bloodbath, [Music/BTS Jungkook] and [VideoGame/TheBattleCats the Ultima Twinstars] declared that it was "[Series/BananasInPyjamas try to survive the Hunger Games time!]", only for [Franchise/Batman Deathstroke] to almost immediately cut down the former on Day One.
  • BlackDudeDiesFirst:
    • In OG Season 8, [Franchise/StarWars Finn] was killed off immediately during the Bloodbath, courtesy of a [InTheBack back stab] by [VideoGame/GrandTheftAutoV Trevor Phillips].
    • OG Season 16 saw Music/SnoopDogg as its first casualty, having been dispatched by [Disney/Zootopia Duke Weaselton]'s poison dart.
    • In OG Season 98, [VideoGame/TeamFortress2 the Demo][MemeticMutation pan] was killed alongside [WesternAnimation/Futurama Robot Santa] and the souls of every human who ever lived via [VideoGame/SonicTheHedgehog Big the Cat]'s explosive in the first fatal event of the season.
    • OG Season 236 gave us [VideoGame/Left4Dead Louis] being fatally stabbed with a butterfly knife by [Franchise/Pokemon Meowth] in the Bloodbath.
  • BreakingTheFourthWall: Several events involve the tributes breaking the Wall itself, or even interacting with their nominators, including [TheFourthWallWillNotProtectYou killing] them for nominating them in the first place.
  • ButtMonkey:
    • Franchise/DragonBall characters, VideoGame/Undertale characters, Creator/Disney characters, Webcomic/Homestuck characters, and [Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure Kars] were considered this during the earlier seasons of the Original Generation, usually being killed off either very quickly or in an undignified fashion. However, the successes of many tributes from the first four works eventually dispelled this status. [Franchise/DragonBall Nappa's] win in OG Season 11, along with [VideoGame/Undertale Asriel] getting third place in OG Season 21, [Disney/TheLionKing Mufasa's] victory in the season right after, and the [Webcomic/Homestuck Draconian Dignitary's] triumph in OG Season 132, helped to dispell this theory. Kars, on the other hand, maintained his status as this throughout all of his appearances... until OG Season 243, where he finally [TookALevelInBadass broke his losing streak by getting 2nd Place.]
    • Also, superpowered or simply extremely powerful characters, who most often die first or die at the hands of a character much weaker than them.
    • Special mention goes to [Franchise/DragonBall Super Vegito], who has died in the bloodbath of three out of the eight seasons that he was nominated for. Gohan follows closely behind, having [WebVideo/DragonBallZAbridged failed to dodge] his way out of certain death in three different seasons.
    • Ever since the input of Franchise/Ben10 tributes starting in OG Season 140, it seems that the simulator's RNG just really hates them. There have been many of them (more if you count the [ShoddyKnockOffProduct bootleg Ben, Ten 10], and when you note that the Ectonurite Twins and all four members of Shag Carpeting were [TheDividual nominated as one tribute]), four of which having died in the Bloodbath, one who died on Day One, and one who died on Night One. Just about all of them aside from a few died unceremoniously and without a single kill to speak for. At least three of them were also on the receiving end of TheWorfEffect. Azmuth proved to be a fair exception in Season 179, where he got three kills and managed to make it to Night Seven. He actually ended up being TheScrappy for that season, due to how much of a Jerkass he was.
      • In OG Season 205, the aforementioned bootleg dubiously breaks this curse by actually winning the season and tying for Most Kills, making HGS history by becoming the very first tribute even remotely related to Ben 10 to snag a place in the Hall of Fame. However, the RNG so far doesn't seem to have counted his win as a curse breaker, as subsequent Ben 10 tributes after him went right back to performing poorly, and he didn't make the Hall of Fame again in Battle Royale that featured him.
      • The Ben 10 Curse really came to a head in OG Season 247, where it was nominated as an actual tribute and WON.
      • The Reboot, on the other hand finally saw the curse being broken, when Azmuth placed third in Reboot Season 4, becoming the first canon Ben 10 tribute to place in the Hall of Fame while Malware became the first champion by claiming first place in Season 7.
    • Although several Manga/MyHeroAcademia tributes had been nominated over the course of at least 30 seasons, only two of them made it on the Hall of Fame - Tomura Shigaraki, a villain, and Rabbit, a fanmade incarnation of the popular Villain Izuku Midoriya archetype who was forced to do villain work at a very young age. The rest of the nominated tributes tended to die really early and/or in an undignified fashion. This has been dubbed the “MHA Hero Curse”, as the time a hero or hero-in-training from MHA enters the Hall of Fame remained to be seen. As of OG Season 231, however, heroes in training Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou, who were nominated as one tribute, seem to have broken this curse... to an extent. Although they’d just barely managed to scrape a podium finish, they got there at the cost of suffering from AdaptationalVillainy, cemented by [OmnicidalManiac destroying literally E V E R Y T H I N G.] Thus, even though they’re technically heroes of My Hero Academia who finally secured a spot on the Hall of Fame, by the time they got there, [FaceHeelTurn they were essentially villains.]
      • Four seasons later, pro hero Enji “Endeavour” Todoroki scored a spot on the Hall of Fame as well - but he, too, suffered from AdaptationalVillainy, as it was his high body count that cemented him as the season’s most murderous.
      • The curse is more-or-less truly broken as of OG Season 242, where Shota Aizawa placed second, with two kills. While he did go against his heroic code by killing two tributes, he otherwise remained mostly heroic, and his crimes can’t be reasonably compared to Endeavour’s or Eijirou and Katsuki’s.
    • It seems that [VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu] can never catch a break. He was killed by a cupcake[note] a food he’d most likely greatly enjoy, given his SweetTooth[/note]during OG Season 141, his first appearance, and from there he continued to suffer from early or unceremonious deaths despite his status as a Yakuza and being nominated fairly often. It doesn’t help that his classmate Kazuichi Souda placed second and tied for the most kills in OG Season 179, while his sister Natsumi scored the most kills in OG Season 217 (where he died in the Bloodbath; [RoaringRampageOfRevenge she didn’t take it very well]) despite him being nominated alongside them in both cases. What’s more, in [WhatCouldHaveBeen a lost save for OG Season 238 that was intended to be a canon season], he ended up getting the most kills. He earns a spot on the Hall of Fame at last in OG Season 248, placing second.
  • CardboardPrison: There are some events where a tribute goes to jail, but it's almost always implied that they escape on the next day/night.
  • CarnivoreConfusion: In OG Season 174, [VideoGame/AnimalCrossing Molly], a duck, munches on a bucket of popcorn chicken.
  • ChainedToARailway: Some tributes try to kill others this way, but their victims are sometimes rescued.
  • CharactersDroppingLikeFlies: Arena Events often slaughter massive numbers of tributes, but the biggest bloodshed in the entire history of the Games happened on the first day of OG Season 87, where a massacre caused by the phantom of [VideoGame/Civilization Mahatma Gandhi] brought up the body count to the record-breaking 39.
  • CheatersNeverProsper: A tribute can be VAC banned for different reasons, such as drinking too many [VideoGame/DarkSouls estus flasks], practicing [ThreadNecromancer Thread Necromancy], or being a MarySue.
  • ChekhovsGag: Sometimes an event that happened previously can be used to explain the outcome of a future one.
    • In OG Season 208, at least two Chekhovs Guns went off at the same time in Day 8, where [WesternAnimation/DuckDodgers Queen Tyr'ahnee] (who was implied to have gained MagicalGirl powers) fought and won against 5 other tributes, including the blind[note]from [MakesJustAsMuchSenseInContext pleasuring herself][/note] [VisualNovel/AngelsWithScalyWings Adine]. Had the latter not have been blinded by previous events, Tyr'ahnee may have lost that bout.
  • ChildSoldiers: Since the minimum age for tributes in the [Literature/TheHungerGames canonical Hunger Games] is 12, any tribute younger than this, or at least childlike in appearance, counts as this trope.
  • ChristmasEpisode: OG Seasons 101, 102, 191, and Reboot Seasons 21 and 79 all had tributes with a winter or Christmas theme. In case of the first two, it was like a two-part ChristmasSpecial because of the first one ending two days before the holiday itself.
  • ChromosomeCasting: The casts of OG Seasons 154 and 235 are mostly dads, with some of them bringing their sons along. Fitting for the Father's Day Specials.
  • ClumsyCopyrightCensorship: One of the possible death events involves a tribute being hit by a copyright violation, even if they're not copyrighted in the first place.
  • ColorMotif: There've been two seasons where everyone was of the same color: OG Season 109, where everyone was yellow; and OG Season 210, where everyone was green.
  • TheCorrupter:
    • [TabletopGame/Warhammer40000 Tzeentch] fit the bill in OG Season 8, recruiting a number of other Tributes to his cult. [ThereCanBeOnlyOne All of them died except] [Disney/Zootopia Dawn Bellwether.]
    • [Literature/HarryPotter Lord Voldemort] was this to [Music/BTS Park Jimin] in Reboot S60, exploiting the latter's grief over his bandmate and best friend, V, [ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill getting killed by all of the (non-blacklisted) fatal events.] He was very successful... [GoneHorriblyRight to the point where the] [CorruptTheCutie newly-corrupted Jimin] [TheStarscream successfully killed him] with the assistance of [WebComic/Homestuck Diamonds Droog] and [VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime Navi the Fairy.]
  • CruelAndUnusualDeath: It's actually rare for a tribute to not die in this fashion.
  • CuddleBug: Tributes who get involved in a lot of hugging events can be this if they're on the giving end, like [Manga/LuckyStar Tsukasa Hiiragi] in OG Season 53 and [Creator/SrPelo WALUIGI] in OG Season 104.
  • CuteAndPsycho: Any tributes with a high body count that are considered to be cute where they come from. And boy, are there too many to count. Amongst the most notorious in the Original Generation are [WesternAnimation/Madagascar Mort], [VideoGame/LifeIsStrange Chloe Price], [Disney/Zootopia Judy Hopps], [Literature/HarryPotter Cho Chang], [WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry Jerry], [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Marlin, Dory, Nemo], [Franchise/AlvinAndTheChipmunks Brittany, Eleanor] and [Franchise/SuperMarioBros Yoshi].
    • Special mention goes to [Franchise/PrettyCure Cure Echo], who won OG Season 19 with the most kills as well. How does she conclude the season? By [CruelAndUnusualDeath chopping off the limbs of] [Series/TopGear Jeremy Clarkson], the sole remaining contestant besides her.
      • In the next two seasons she appeared in, she tied with other tributes for most kills as well, making her one of the most lethal tributes in the game.
    • [Webcomic/AxisPowersHetalia Liechtenstein] in OG Season 27 is notable for having killed - or at least injured; it's hard to tell - her adopted older brother Switzerland. She's also tied with several other tributes for most kills, which is particularly jarring since she's one of the cutest and nicest girls in Hetalia.
    • There's also [LightNovel/HaruhiSuzumiya Mikuru], who ended OG Season 33 with a bang by blowing up [Franchise/DragonBall Bulma] and [VideoGame/GodOfWar Kratos]. She's one of the last people you'd expect to ever kill even one person, but in her season of the Hunger Games, she kills seven and wins the season.
    • OG Season 96 sees [VideoGame/Borderlands2 Tiny Tina], who was already a few sandwiches short of a picnic in her home series, managing to skewer [UpToEleven all of humanity], [VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII Sephiroth], and Creator/GordonRamsay with an energy spear.
    • OG Season 105 gives us the youngest mass murderer in the OG, [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Pound Cake], a pegasus foal who skewered three tributes with an energy spear, pulled a sword from [Webcomic/Namesake Warrick Chopper's] abdomen, stabbed UsefulNotes/NeilDeGrasseTyson to death, and pummeled [WesternAnimation/GravityFalls Grunkle Stan], among others.
    • Reboot Season 60 gives us two examples of this: [VideoGame/TheBattleCats Miko Mitama] and [Music/BTS Park Jimin.]
      • Mitama is infamous for subjecting Jimin's bandmate and best friend, V, to all of the previous (non-blacklisted) fatal events at once. She had no regrets about this, either, for she went on to attack Bell before [VideoGame/KingdomHeartsBirthBySleep transfering her heart into] [VideoGame/FireEmblemThreeHouses Bernadetta], [GrandTheftMe turning her into her vessel]. The worst part? She's only a child (or at least childlike in appearance).
      • Jimin himself takes V's fate very, very badly, not helped by [Literature/HarryPotter Lord Voldemort] [CorruptTheCutie taking him under his wing shortly afterwards] and being largely responsible for him becoming the ruthless, psychotic Death Eater that he is. It doesn't help that he was actually a genuine NiceGuy prior to the V Incident, since he'd willingly given [Franchise/Kirby Bonkers] a blood transfusion using his own blood.
  • CutenessOverload: One of the custom events involves a tribute dying of heart failure because they find another tribute too adorable. HilarityEnsues when the other tribute isn't even remotely cute.
    • An [InvertedTrope inversion] of the event also appears, which has [JustForFun/TheUglyBarnacle a tribute who's so ugly that three other tributes just die.] [WesternAnimation/SpongeBobSquarePants The End.]
    • Another custom event has a tribute coming across an adorable fanart of themselves and dying from their own cuteness. There is also an [InvertedTrope inversion] where a tribute comes across [MemeticMutation cursed] fanart of themselves and dies from the sheer cringe of it.

%%* ADateWithRosiePalms: Not an uncommon event, but special mention should be made of the [VideoGame/IceClimber Ice Climbers], who did this twice in a row during OG Season 80. The fact that this occurred just after an absurd amount of tributes died to a monsoon didn't go uncommented on. %%** Before that, there was [WesternAnimation/ToadPatrol Sigmund], who lived up to [UsefulNotes/SigmundFreud his namesake] thrice in OG Season 44. Not even a [GroinAttack strike to his most important asset] could stop him.

  • DeaderThanDead: If a tribute is DeadToBeginWith, then their "second" death counts as this.
  • DealWithTheDevil: One custom event involves a tribute trying to exchange their soul for wealth and power, only to be told that [TheSoulless they never had one in the first place.] Another event involves one tribute being revealed to be the devil and striking a deal with another.
  • DeathByIrony:
    • In OG Season 63, both of the [WesternAnimation/TheYearWithoutASantaClaus Miser Brothers] died of hypothermia during a snowstorm, despite the fact that one of them can generate enough heat to melt steel on touch, and one of them lives in a sub-zero environment.
    • Franchise/Kirby has died in an ironic fashion at least [RuleOfThree three times], all of which had something to do with what he does best: [BigEater eating].
      • First, in OG Season 75, he was devoured by [Anime/ChargemanKen Maou-sama].
      • More than 100 seasons later, in OG Season 192, he died of a heart attack upon [IAteWhat realizing that he'd accidentally devoured a cockroach]. Apparently, even an ExtremeOmnivore like Kirby [EveryoneHasStandards has standards].
      • Finally, in OG Season 250, [VideoGame/Smite Bellona] offed the pink puffball by tricking him into eating a poisoned apple.
    • In OG Season 177, Franchise/DonkeyKong died by slipping on a banana peel while [Anime/Hellsing Alucard] had all of his bodily fluids (which includes his blood) drained by a giant leech.
    • In OG Season 182, [VideoGame/NinetyNineNights Tak Fujii] killed a [Videogame/GoatSimulator walking microwave] by serving it... a deadly apple pie. Later, [Franchise/Ghostbusters Egon Spengler], a Ghostbuster, was so scared by a ghost he died from heart failure.
    • In OG Season 189, [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Daybreaker], who wields ThePowerOfTheSun, was destroyed by the light within [VideoGame/KingdomHeartsI the Door to Darkness].
    • In OG Season 212, [VideoGame/Overwatch Junkrat], a MadBomber, perished when he bought a bomb from [VideoGame/Cuphead the Devil] that exploded in his hands.

%%* DeathBySex: There's a possible event in which a tribute dies from an STD. %%** OutWithABang: And another where two tributes die while doing it.

  • DefeatMeansFriendship: A rather odd example occurs in OG Season 141, where [WesternAnimation/GravityFalls Bill Cipher] subjects [VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair Nagito Komaeda] to an ironic FateWorseThanDeath using his powers. The two of them form an unlikely alliance straight afterwards, and spend the next few phases helping each other out and hanging out until Bill gets killed in a ball pit.
  • DemonicPossession: In one of the custom events, a tribute possesses another tribute's body and uses it to kill a third tribute.
  • DenserAndWackier: As the seasons progressed, more and more silly custom events were implemented, and some of the tributes started to become... unorthodox by Simulation standards.
  • DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu: Occurs whenever a character deemed to be a God or Godlike being in their source material is killed off by someone way below their weight class. Examples include [VideoGame/Earthbound Giygas] getting pushed off a cliff by the rapper Viper, [VideoGame/LifeIsStrange Chloe Price] tracking down and killing the [VideoGame/TheStanleyParable Divine Personification of Art] (who had earlier been enslaved by a [VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiPartnersInTime Shroob Mook]), [WesternAnimation/AdventuresOfSonicTheHedgehog Dr. Robotnik] somehow killing the Hunger Games Simulator itself by total accident, ComicBook/Katana disembowling [Wiki/SCPFoundation SCP-682] before going on to strangle [VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiBowsersInsideStory Dark Star], [Franchise/DragonBall Frieza] bashing [Franchise/TheElderScrolls Nocturnal's] face in with a steel chair, and of course, the infamous killing of [TabletopGame/Warhammer40000 Tzeentch] by [spoiler:[WesternAnimation/DarkwingDuck Dr. Fossil],] a senile dinosaur. There's also the three-time case of [Franchise/DragonBall Super Vegito] being killed in the opening Bloodbaths of OG Seasons 14, 15 and 173.
  • DieLaughing: Several events have tributes literally dying from laughter.
  • DisproportionateRetribution: Sometimes, tributes retaliate harshly to petty things done to them by others by killing them.
    • In OG Season 179, it was down to the final three, which consisted of [VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair Kazuichi Souda], [WesternAnimation/ToadPatrol Panther Cap], and [VideoGame/HyperDimensionNeptuniaV Croire]. It was Night Nine when Croire was told to go get them all some supplies. They were unamused when she came back with only a banana. Panther Cap was so unamused, in fact, that he killed Croire the very next day. Even Kazuichi, [Hypocrite who had been just as murderous as Panther Cap at that point], called him a monster for it. That night, Panther Cap killed Kazuichi for calling him ugly, sealing his victory.
    • In OG Season 183, [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Kurogiri] groans at an incredibly corny joke that [WesternAnimation/TheSimpsonsMovie Russ Cargil] made. The very next day, Russ kills Kurogiri by punching a hole in his chest.
      • In that same season, [Videogame/ShadowTheHedgehog OW] [MemeticMutation THE EDGE] destroyed [Film/TheJungleBook2016 Shere Khan's] computer. Shere Khan then proceeded to stretch him to death the next day.
    • In OG Season 224, [VideoGame/Spyro2RiptosRage Fisher] kills a DrosteImage with a herring after it accidentally read his porn magazine the night before.
    • In OG Season 231, [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou] has a "YourMom" battle against everything that has existed, is existing, and will exist. The jokes were so offending to the former that they straight up [OmnicidalManiac destroyed E V E R Y T H I N G.]
  • DisqualificationInducedVictory: How [VideoGame/TheBattleCats Queen Mother V] won Season 94 of the Reboot, due to her dying in a broken event where she was supposed to kill [WebVideo/Template:Vinesauce Two-Faced], only for the latter to somehow kill the former instead. This is explained in-universe as Queen Mother V coming BackFromTheDead and Two-Faced getting [CheatersNeverProsper her award taken away for cheating.]
  • TheDividual: Two or more characters nominated as a whole are counted as one "tribute."
  • DrivenToSuicide: Sometimes, it's all too much for a tribute, which results in them taking their own life.
  • EarlyInstallmentWeirdness:
    • Some of the earlier seasons in the Original Generation pale in comparison to the later ones since custom events weren't implemented until OG Season 12.
    • Many of the earlier seasons were rife with early arena events because the rules for making a "good save" weren't standardized until many seasons later.
    • The earlier seasons also had a rudimentary hosting format. Bulletted lists weren't used and deaths weren't spoilered.
  • EldritchAbomination: Some of the tributes are this to begin with, while others [OneWingedAngel transform into them] during a season, such as [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Starlight Glimmer] in OG Season 146 and [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Rose Quartz] in Reboot Season 22.
  • EpicFail: Any tribute who dies in the bloodbath by stepping off their podium too soon counts as this.
  • EveryoneIsBi: Tributes can fall in love with anyone, regardless of gender.
  • EyeScream: Several events involve the tribute losing one or both of their eyes, or even going blind, whether it's self-inflicted or otherwise.
  • TheFamilyThatSlaysTogether: Some tributes nominated with their family members are this, particularly if they're [TheDividual nominated as one tribute]. Examples include [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Marlin and Nemo] in OG Seasons 173 and 179; and [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Princesses Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna and Cadance] (the latter of whom are also RoyallyScrewedUp) in OG Season 219.
  • FantasyKitchenSink: The Games welcomes a rather diverse cast of characters, including, among other things, monsters, anthropomorphic animals, superhumans, gods, aliens, [EldritchAbomination otherworldly beings], ordinary people, [Webcomic/Polandball countryballs], entire sports teams, tropers, real-world animals, inanimate objects, and abstract concepts.
  • FatalMethodActing: InUniverse. One custom event has six tributes reenacting a [Creator/WilliamShakespeare Shakespearean] tragedy, where one of the actors kills everyone else.
  • Filler: Gag saves, which were first implemented in OG Season 93[note]Although several screencaps from unshared saves appeared between OG Seasons 88 and 89[/note], carry the main purpose of tiding the players over while the canon season is being ran. While some of them are lackluster because they usually have early arena events, [Administrivia/TropesAreTools some of them are actually good]; so good, in fact, that some players [BetterThanCanon wish that they were the canon season.]
  • ForgotAboutHisPowers:
    • Franchise/Kirby seems to suffer from this, regardless of whether or not he has a Copy Ability.
      • In OG Season 14, he could've just inhaled the rope that [WesternAnimation/BatmanTheBraveAndTheBold Dr. Canus] was using to strangle him.
      • In OG Season 110, he jumped off the wrong ledge while skiing, when he could've used his parasol to break his fall.
      • In OG Season 192, he didn't consider gaining a Copy Ability from eating a cockroach.
      • In OG Season 204, he didn't think about discarding his Copy Ability in order to eat some fettuccine, which somehow teamed up with [VideoGame/RoboticOperatingBuddy R.O.B] and [Franchise/StarWars the] [Film/TheLastJedi Supremacy] to kill him during the [DeathByIrony Feast.]
      • Averted|Trope in OG Seasons 241 and 242, where for once, he didn't forget to use his powers and got 2nd Place with [Franchise/ANightmareOnElmStreet Freddy Kreuger] in the former and got the most kills in the latter as Swiss Army Kirby.
      • In Reboot Season 40, he ate a tube of Superglue... [EpicFail only to choke on it.]
    • In OG Season 14, a [Franchise/Halo Jackal Ranger] is [DisneyVillainDeath pushed off a cliff and killed]. This is in spite of the Jet Pack that all Covenant Rangers wear.
    • It happens again in OG Season 21, with the victim this time being [VideoGame/DustAnElysianTail Fidget], which is even worse, as she naturally has wings and is canonically [IronicFear afraid of heights.]
    • OG Season 174 has [VideoGame/FinalFantasyV Shinryu], who was pushed off a cliff by [VideoGame/Tekken Yoshimitsu], who told him to fly. Despite the fact that he has wings and is a very powerful dragon, he fails to do so.
    • In OG Season 182, [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Mami Tomoe] and [Disney/SleepingBeauty Maleficent] practice parkour, only for Maleficent to mess up and fall to her death, despite the fact that she can turn into a dragon and also could have used her own teleportation abilities to save herself. In the same season, [Franchise/DragonBall Future Trunks] attempted to dropkick [Franchise/Ghostbusters Egon Spengler] off a cliff, only to miss and plummet to his death despite the fact that he can fly.
    • In OG Season 204, [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Tsuyu Asui] and WebVideo/Brutalmoose practice parkour, only for Tsuyu to misjudge the distance and fall to her death despite her frog-related Quirk and being a particularly athletic jumper in her respective canon.
  • FourIsDeath:
    • In general, whenever a tribute gets the 4th Place Curse, where they get 4th place without making the most kills, thus snubbing them of a Hall of Fame placement.
    • In OG Season 81, [Music/Vocaloid Magical Kitty Len Len] got 4th place and made four kills. Four seasons later, [VideoGame/Driver Rio Cop] also made the same placement and number of kills as him.
    • In OG Season 205, UsefulNotes/JackTheRipper was inputted in District 4, got four kills[note]technically more, but [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Katsuki Bakugou and Eijirou Kirishima] and the [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Homura Army] were each counted as [TheDividual one tribute][/note], took 4th place, and tied for the most kills.
    • Inverted|Trope in OG Season 216. Day 4 was the only full day that was bloodshed free.
    • In OG Season 225, the four Series/Teletubbies won and accumulated four kills[note]Technically five (just as much as the season mass murderers' kill count), but [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy] were counted as one tribute[/note].
    • In OG Season 237, [WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda Viper] [Pun fore]saw all four [Franchise/SpyroTheDragon Dragon Guardians] collectively falling for the 4th Place Curse from [VideoGame/Undertale buttercup poisoning.]
  • FreakyFridayFlip: Done to justify any mix-up with the pictures and names of the tributes.
    • The traditional two-way switch happened to [Manga/TengenToppaGurrenLagann Kamina] and [Series/Degrassi Adam Torres] in OG Season 70.
    • The one-way switch happened to [Franchise/Touhou Yuuka Kazami] and [VideoGame/FinalFantasyIX Kuja] in OG Season 108, [WesternAnimation/StarWarsRebels Sabine Wren] and [Franchise/Touhou Shinmyoumaru Sukuna] in OG Season 180, and [Franchise/DragonBall Cooler] and [WesternAnimation/SouthPark Jimmy Valmer] in a gag save for OG Season 185.
    • Averted|Trope with George Burns in OG Season 171, since he was originally intended to be the Creator/GeorgeBurns, but was passed off as a clone of [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Sour Cream] instead, which carried over to the rest of his appearances.
  • FurryConfusion: Animals on various parts of the SlidingScaleOfAnthropomorphism compete in the Games, leading to some... confusing moments when they interact.
    • In OG Season 161, [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Snips], a magical talking pony, tamed a horse.
    • In OG Season 190, [Disney/Zootopia Benjamin Clawhauser], an anthropomorphic cheetah, also tried taming a horse like Snips did, only to [DeathByIrony be trampled by it.]
    • In OG Season 204, Cat R. Waul, an anthropomorphic cat, received a pet pomeranian from an unknown sponsor.
    • In Reboot Season 51, [Animation/NuPogodi Volk], an anthropomorphic wolf, found a pet cat, which got killed by the Gorilla Glue Gorilla.
    • In Reboot Season 72, [WesternAnimation/HelpImAFish Joe], a fish, won a pet goldfish in a bag from a stall, and had to save it when the bag leaked.
    • A rare non-animal example in Reboot Season 184. [VideoGame/SuperMarioRPG Mack], a sentient dagger, finds a nonsentient [VideoGame/Minecraft diamond pickaxe] in the Bloodbath.
  • GambitPileup: Naturally. As all tributes aim to come out on top, [EnemyMine alliances are made] [ChronicBackstabbingDisorder and broken] with alarming frequency.
  • GrandTheftMe: In Reboot Season 283, D. B. Cooper and WesternAnimation.TheOwlHouse Eda the Owl Lady swap bodies, resulting in the Gamemakers having to (in-universe) reset the season to stop it. This lead to remarks that Cooper hijacked Eda’s body or InvertedTrope Eda hijacked his.
  • GrandFinale: OG Season 250 was this for the first thread, culminating with [UpToEleven all the previous tributes and their souls] being nominated as two separate tributes.
  • GroinAttack: An uncommon occurrence in the Games, but taken UpTo11 in Reboot Season 94 when the entire music fanbase, composed of roughly less than 7.8 billion people at the time of nomination, collectively punched Dave Rogers in the groin.
  • HalloweenEpisode: OG Seasons 82, 177, and Reboot Seasons 11 and 68 all had tributes who were scary or Halloween-themed. However, the first one suffered a ScheduleSlip and began the day after the holiday.
  • HandicappedBadass: Tributes who are blind, deaf, amputees and/or have some other physical or mental disability and become a podium finisher qualify as these, whether the disability is canonical or brought about during the season.
    • [WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender Toph Beifong] and Helen Keller are the most notable OG examples of this, securing a spot on the Hall of Fame despite their blindness and deaf-blindness, respectively.
    • In Reboot Season 14, ComicBook/IronMan managed to survive long enough to get 3rd Place while being tiny[note]from shrinking in the Bloodbath after drinking a strange drink[/note], [DePower de-powered][note]with [VideoGame/PaperMario64 Peach Beam] by [Website/Google Google Chrome][/note], and deaf[note]from [Franchise/Pokemon Bulbasaur] blowing a horn into his ears[/note], all at the same time.
  • HeroicSacrifice:
    • OG Season 12 saw [WebComic/AxisPowersHetalia America] give his life to save [WesternAnimation/HowToTrainYourDragon Toothless] from poisonous fog that had seeped into the arena.
    • In Reboot Season 61, [Film/TransformersAgeOfExtinction Galvatron] died saving [ComicBook/TransformersShatteredGlass SG!Megatron] from a forest fire.
  • HoistByHisOwnPetard: Quite a lot of tributes die because of their own antics.
  • ImAHumanitarian: Occasionally, one tribute might kill and eat another in a primal craze. Saparmurat Niyazov is one of the many infamous cannibals in the Games, [KarmicDeath devouring] [VideoGame/TheKingOfFighters Krizalid] two days after the latter killed [Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure Forever] and served him as a meal in OG Season 88. Niyazov's cooking in the following days was... questionable.
  • ISurrenderSuckers: A tribute can trick another into sparing them to catch the other off-guard.
  • ImprobableWeaponUser: The Games have seen several tributes who're this. However, the reigning champions are [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Marlin, Dory and Nemo], who infamously turned this trope into an art form in several of their appearances. Case in point:
    • In OG Season 63, Dory, despite her short-term memory loss, somehow stabbed VideoGame/Doomguy with an icicle and bashed [WesternAnimation/TUFFPuppy the Chameleon]'s head in with a baseball bat. Then in OG Season 74, she somehow drilled holes into WebVideo/SolarSands and butchered [Anime/ToumeiShounenTanteiAkira Z-Group Knifeman.]
    • In OG Season 174, Marlin and Nemo practically embody this trope. They stabbed [Manga/MadeInAbyss Mitty] with [Webcomic/TheAdventuresOfDrMcNinja taped knives in their eyes], bashed [VideoGame/NightInTheWoods Bea's] head against a rock and destroyed a (particularly murderous) guitar (with [VideoGame/TheLegendOfSpyro Cynder] as collateral damage) with a rocket launcher. As emphasized by their nominator [Tropers/DaveTheAssassin dave_the_assassin] (who also ran the season) after the murder of Mitty:

--->Dave: [commenting on Tropers/TroperNo9001's LampshadeHanging on the improbable murder] Yep, that's completely what I thought when Marlin and Nemo turned into taped-knife-in-the-eyes version [sic] of [Franchise/MortalKombat Kano] on Mitty as I ran this season.

    • In OG Season 186, Nemo's sole kill was by spearing [VideoGame/TeamFortress2 the Spy] in the abdomen. Then it escalated in OG Season 213, where he somehow knocked [Franchise/Ben10 Azmuth] out, then [ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill dumped him into a plastic barrel and dissolved him with hydrofluoric acid], somehow shot a blow dart at [VideoGame/SoulSeries Lord Geo Dampierre], and somehow launched a bottle rocket at [Franchise/Pokemon Trubbish] and [VideoGame/DeadSpace Isaac Clarke] (a hilarious and unintentional CallBack to the aforementioned rocket launcher antics with his father).
  • InanimateCompetitor: Some of the tributes are inanimate objects, and they're just as capable of surviving the Games as the other "normal" tributes.
  • InstantGravestone: Whenever an event involving the grave of the latest tribute to die happens at the same time as when said tribute dies.
  • InterspeciesFriendship[=/=]InterspeciesAdoption: Both happen more than once, though not as often as Interspecies Romance.
  • InterspeciesRomance: Happens quite often, given the diverse cast of tributes.
  • KarmicDeath: Karmic retribution often comes quickly to notoriously murderous tributes, with countless examples.
    • In OG Season 7, [Franchise/Pokemon May], a Pokémon Trainer, killed Sylveon, a [VideoGame/PokemonXAndY Generation 6 Pokémon], during the Bloodbath. She died of dysentery right after.
    • In OG Season 36, four tributes ganged up on [VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII Vincent Valentine] after he had pushed [VideoGame/SuperMarioGalaxy Rosalina] off a cliff the night before.
    • In OG Season 85, after he had [WouldHurtAChild killed] [WesternAnimation/TheLoudHouse the Loud Family] earlier, [VideoGame/FatalFury Terry Bogard] later wound up being slaughtered and [ImAHumanitarian cannibalized] in a primal craze by [Film/StarTrekIntoDarkness Khan].
    • In OG Season 144, [VideoGame/Undertale Toriel] burned a tree down. Not too long after, [Disney/Tangled Mother Gothel], [EvenEvilHasStandards of all people], took her out by impaling her with a tree branch.
      • And in OG Season 232, she [OOCIsSeriousBusiness threw] [Literature/TheMagicSchoolBus Carlos] [WouldHurtAChild off a mountaintop], only for him to jump back up and [CallingTheOldWomanOut call her out for it.] She then got her karmic retribution by having her port-a-potty tipped over by [Film/JurassicWorldFallenKingdom Indoraptor] and [Franchise/SuperMarioBros Wario and Waluigi] while she was using it and then having her heart ripped out [AndShowItToYou and shown to] [Anime/Pokemon Jessie] by Burger Feet the very next day.
    • In OG Season 169, [VideoGame/Undertale Papyrus] bashed his brother Sans' head in with a mace during the Bloodbath and never showed remorse for it at any point. After being subjected to several karmic hardships beforehand, [VideoGame/Bloodborne Djura] took him out with an arrow to the head during the Feast.
      • Also in OG Season 169, on Night 6, [Music/LinkinPark Chester Bennington] found [VideoGame/LeagueOfLegends Vi] and [VideoGame/Overwatch Doomfist] dying, and decided to leave them to their fates. In the next day's Feast, the Cornucopia ate him as retribution.
    • In OG Season 191, TheKrampus wrongfully killed the innocent [Disney/Frozen Anna] during the Bloodbath. Later in the same day, it got [DeathByIrony frozen] ([AccidentalPun no pun intended]) and [LiterallyShatteredLives shattered] by [Franchise/Pokemon Delibird].
    • In OG Season 195, Music/BTS, a Korean boy band consisting of seven men at their 20s, [PaedoHunt collectively propose to] [WesternAnimation/InsideOut Riley Andersen], a 12-year-old preteen girl. Riley, despite the polygamy and large age gap, says yes, officially making all of the boys her fiancés, much to the [NoYay shock] and [Squick disgust] (no pun intended on one of Riley's emotions) of many HGS participants. Fortunately for the audience, at the very next day, [Webcomic/Consolers Konami] decides that [EveryoneHasStandards child marriage is beyond her standards] and kills the BTS members by stabbing each member to death with an icicle.
    • In OG Season 250, after [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Fluttershy] [TookALevelInJerkass had taken a massive level in jerkass] and ruthlessly tormented the other tributes, [VideoGame/Smite Ares] took it upon himself to put her down with a poisoned blowdart during the Feast.
    • After [WesternAnimation/StarWarsTheCloneWars Hardcase] had spent the majority of Reboot Season 19 on a ruthless killing spree, the finale saw [Series/TheGoodPlace Michael] put an end to his rampage via a lethally booby-trapped chest.
    • In Reboot Season 119, [VideoGame/HearthstoneHeroesOfWarcraft Professor Putricide] got killed by [Anime/YuGiOh5Ds Kalin Kessler] in an experiment proving that [CaptainObvious people die when they're killed]. The next update, he got EatenAlive by Rotface, his creation/"son".
  • KilledOffscreen: Some events don't show how a tribute died, but only the aftermath. Some are from natural causes, while others imply that another tribute killed them.
  • LeeroyJenkins: One custom event has a tribute screaming their name loudly as they charge at five other tributes, getting themselves killed.
  • LethalChef: One custom event has a tribute try using a flamethrower to cook, with another tribute getting too close and being burnt up as a result.
  • LethalJokeCharacter: In general, any tribute who isn't, for lack of a better term, a conventional tribute (e. g. an inanimate object) that ends up making the podium or the most kills at the end of a season.
    • The [VideoGame/SuperPaperMario Dark Prognosticus] kicked off this trend when it somehow managed to win OG Season 23 [WinsByDoingAbsolutelyNothing without killing anyone.]
    • In OG Season 90, Fugitive Baby, a baby in a toy car being chased by an army of police, killed quite a few tributes.
    • In OG Season 187, [VideoGame/Miitopia Running Nose], a [ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin literal running nose], earned the most kills by offing a whopping seven tributes, with one of them a figurative case of TheWorfEffect.
    • In OG Season 225, not only did the Series/Teletubbies get four kills, they also won.[labelnote:*]Technically, they got five kills, but [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy] were counted as one tribute.[/labelnote]
  • LongLostRelative: Occasionally, one tribute will reveal to another that they're long-lost siblings or [LukeIAmYourFather the former is the latter's parent], leading to some... unusual relations. It's worse if both of them are already related or [IncestIsRelative in a relationship.]
  • TheLostLenore: Given [ThereCanOnlyBeOne the nature of the Games,] any romantic relationship established in any season is doomed to end in tragedy one way or another, and what typically happens is that one half of the couple gets killed off. Sometimes, however, the death leaves a [HeroicBSOD notable impact] on the tribute’s surviving lover. There are at least three notable cases of this happening: [VideoGame/FireEmblemFates Corrin]!Tropers/Revaryk’s grief over the death of her lover [VideoGame/Undertale Mettaton] in OG Season 84, [StepfordSmiler the way] [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Tomura Shigaraki] copes with the death of his lover [WesternAnimation/ToyStory2 Emperor] [WesternAnimation/BuzzLightyearOfStarCommand Zurg] in OG Season 183, almost 100 seasons later, and [VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair Kazuichi Souda’s] HeroicBSOD and [DrivenToSuicide possible suicide] following the death of his lover Franchise/DonkeyKong.
  • MadBomber: Any tribute that amasses a large number of kills using explosives could be considered one of these.
  • ManEatingPlant: In Reboot Season 170, WebAnimation/DaThings the Bowling Berries are shown to eat meat due to "[[Template:Pun having beef]]" with [[Franchise/Template:Transformers Skywarp.]]
  • MassiveMultiplayerCrossover: More than [LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters 5000 characters from various works] compete in the Games.
  • MercyKill: Characters will often ask for this to be their fate. Most of the time, the other character doesn't go through with it. But sometimes, the other character will reluctantly agree to do it.
    • [Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica Madoka Kaname] did this to [Franchise/StarWars Rey] in OG Season 8, after the latter was distraught over the death of her friend, Finn.
    • Exaggerated|Trope in Reboot Season 8, where [VideoGame/Undertale Woshua] asked [ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill five other tributes] to kill him because he [MyGodWhatHaveIDone regretted going down the Genocide Route.]

Tropes N-Z[edit | edit source]

  • NinjaPirateZombieRobot: Given the sheer number of transformation events, it's possible for a tribute to be a mishmash of various creatures, such as [Manga/FruitsBasket Yuki Sohma] in OG Season 223, who became a [Franchise/MortalKombat Chaosrealmer] who transforms into a rat when hugged by a girl or stressed, and [VisualNovel/DanganronpaV3KillingHarmony Kaede Akamatsu] in Reboot Season 23, who became the Ultimate Psychic|Powers Wiki/SCP|Foundation [OurMonstersAreDifferent Monster] VideoGame/Turok.
  • OffingTheOffspring: Alarmingly common, to the point where the [Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure JoJo] characters seem to have developed a tradition off it in the Original Generation. And if a parent and their child compete in the same season, this is often the inevitable cause of the child's death.
  • OmnicidalManiac: Tributes who kill entire universes instantly become this, and most of time they technically become the most murderous in their respective seasons because they're usually counted as singular tributes.
    • Winter [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Amethyst] was the first tribute to cement herself as such, [ThisIsADrill drilling holes] in the multiverse in OG Season 102.
    • [Webcomic/Homestuck Bec Noir] and [WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes Tweety Bird] then stepped up the game by obliterating the omniverse in OG Seasons 175 and 194, respectively.
    • [Manga/MyHeroAcademia Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou] ultimately became the most infamous universe destroyers in OG Season 231, wiping out everything that has existed, is existing, and will exist, all because they [DisproportionateRetribution were offended by their] [YourMom yo mama jokes.]
    • All of that culminated in the GrandFinale, where Tropers/Scipion3, after losing his hearing from fighting [Literature/TheHungerGames Peacekeepers], [SanitySlippage slowly lost his sanity] and cooked the souls of all the previous tributes and [ImAHumanitarian fed them to] [Anime/OsomatsuSan Jyushimatsu Matsuno] and [Webcomic/Homestuck Kanaya Maryam.]
  • OneHitPolykill: There's an event where one tribute kills two or three others with a single bullet. Taken UpToEleven if one of the victims is an absurdly large group tribute.
  • OneSteveLimit: Averted Trope whenever two or more tributes with the [NamesTheSame same name] participate. HilarityEnsues.
    • Averted in OG Season 75, which had [Webcomic/Polandball a pair of] [Manga/AxisPowersHetalia Switzerlands], [Webcomic/Polandball a pair of] [Manga/AxisPowersHetalia Swedens], [Anime/ChargemanKen a pair of] [LightNovel/TheDevilIsAPartTimer Maous], [WebAnimation/HappyTreeFriends a pair of] [Webcomic/Sparklecare Cuddleses], and [WesternAnimation/VeggieTales a] [WesternAnimation/BobTheBuilder quartet] [Creator/BobSaget of] [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Bobs.][note]Though the last Bob was just Lapis masquerading as a human, who strangely appeared alongside her true self.[/note]
    • Taken UpToEleven in the season right after that, which had a grand total of eight Michaels. The cast has to be seen to be believed.
    • And [SerialEscalation topping] [SerialEscalation that] [SerialEscalation one] is the cast of OG Season 92, where almost everyone shares their name with at least one other tribute.
    • OG Season 165 also averted this in a similar way as OG Season 92, encouraging participants to submit tributes with the same name. This was the result.
    • OG Season 185 averts this again, with the inclusion of [WesternAnimation/OKKOLetsBeHeroes Joe Cuppa] and [WesternAnimation/CodenameKidsNextDoor Cuppa Joe] as tributes, along with [Anime/LuckyStar two different] [Anime/ToumeiShounenTanteiAkira Akiras].
    • OG Season 186 averts it as well, with [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Nemo] and his (probable) namesake [Literature/TwentyThousandLeaguesUnderTheSea Captain] [Film/TwentyThousandLeaguesUnderTheSea Nemo].[note]Amusingly, both source materials have something to do with Creator/Disney, with the former being made by (the yet-to-be acquired) Creator/Pixar, and the film adaptation of the latter produced by Creator/WaltDisney himself.[/note]
    • OG Seasons 206 and 207 avert this with two [VisualNovel/FateStayNight different] [Franchise/StarTrek Sabers][note]Funny enough, Saber is a class type in both source materials[/note].
    • OG Season 208 also averts this with two different [VideoGame/MetalGearSolid Gray] [Franchise/TheElderScrolls Foxes] nominated.
    • OG Season 233 does an In-Universe aversion; it turns out that there were two [Literature/TheHungerGames President Snows] competing in the Hunger Games.[note]They were in the form of Tamashii Hiroka and [Film/GodzillaVsSpaceGodzilla Spacegodzilla].[/note]
    • Reboot Season 11 averted it with [WesternAnimation/HotelTransylvania three] [Franchise/Castlevania Count] [WesternAnimation/TheGrimAdventuresOfBillyAndMandy Draculas.]
    • Reboot Season 40 was another "NamesTheSame" Season where participants were encouraged to submit tributes with the same name. The Season's cast looked like this.
    • Reboot Season 53 saw an aversion by way of having [Machinima/RedVsBlue two] [Series/AgentsOfSHIELD Sarges.]
    • Reboot Season 70 averted it with [Franchise/ShinMegamiTensei two] [ComicBook/Lucifer Lucifers.]
  • OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Due to the results being randomised, characters will often do things that they're unlikely to do in their source material (such as a pacifist killing several people in an explosion or a normally merciless character sparing someone). HilarityEnsues.
  • TheOtherDarrin: InUniverse. A few custom events have tributes re-enacting several works, which means that another tribute may take a role someone else had played.
  • PastLifeMemories: It's possible for a returning tribute to have horrifying flashbacks of their previous outings if they died previously.
  • Patricide: In Reboot Season 52, [Literature/TheMagicSchoolBus Mikey] killed his own father along with ComicBook/ErikKillmonger, [VideoGame/RiskOfRain2 Clay Dunestrider], [Anime/ChargemanKen Maou-sama], and Music/BTS with a shadow dragon.
  • PintSizedPowerhouse: Quite a lot of tributes are smaller than the average human, but some of them are more than capable of holding off on their own, with some examples being [Franchise/Pokemon Piplup], [WesternAnimation/TheLionGuard Kion], [WesternAnimation/ToadPatrol Fur Foot, Elf Cup, Panther Cap], [WesternAnimation/FindingNemo Marlin, Nemo, Dory], [WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse Peridot], [WesternAnimation/TheLEGOMovie Emmet], [WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry Jerry], [Franchise/AlvinAndTheChipmunks Brittany and Eleanor] in the OG, and [VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime Navi] and [WesternAnimation/ABugsLife Dot] in the Reboot (although Nemo and Emmet also made it far in the Reboot).
    • OG Season 179, aptly named the Little Cup, has a cast composed entirely of tiny tributes.[note]Though [VisualNovel/Danganronpa2GoodbyeDespair Kazuichi Souda] is an exception, towering above everyone else at 5' 6".[/note]
    • An in-universe example in the Reboot is [WesternAnimation/Ben102016 Xingo], where despite [IncredibleShrinkingMan shrinking] after eating a food labeled [Disney/AliceInWonderland "Eat Me"] in the Bloodbath, he managed do well in the pilot season, even killing WesternAnimation/StevenUniverse with a [ImprobableWeaponUser teddy bear] long before [DeathByIrony being shrunk out of existence] in the arena event.
    • Another in-universe example in the Reboot is [Webcomic/Homestuck Vriska Serket]. Like Xingo before her, she managed to do well in Season 8 despite shrinking early in the season because she made the same mistake as him. She turned her situation around by [Series/Blackadder coming up with a cunning plan], then managing to shove [Film/TwoThousandAndOneASpaceOdyssey HAL-9000] into a meat grinder and bash Soekarno's head against a rock, before being SwallowedWhole by [MemeticMutation This Ain't It]![Manga/Naruto Kakashi.]
    • To date, Dot is the smallest mass murderer ever. In Reboot Season 128, this tiny ant princess managed to kill four tributes much larger than her, including [Franchise/Godzilla Jirass], a Kaiju. She also tied with [WesternAnimation/PuffinRock Mossy], a pygmy shrew, for the most kills that season. Her size record has since been broken by a molecule in Reboot Season 167, which was tied with [VideoGame/MUGEN Nim Woo] for most kills, with four each.
  • PottyEmergency: Some of the custom events involve this. There's one in which a tribute is holding up the line for the port-a-potty, and one of the tributes in line eventually gives up and uses a bush. There's another similar event where a tribute decides that another tribute is taking too long in the port-a-potty, so they forcibly remove them from the john with their pants still down.
  • PowerCreepPowerSeep: Since the outcome of the season is determined by the RandomNumberGod, everybody, no matter how strong or weak they are in canon, is on equal footing.
  • RealPersonFic: Real people can be nominated into the Games, and they are quite frequently.
  • ReferenceOverdosed: There are many events that are [ShoutOut Shout-Outs] to various works, so many that the forum game [ShoutOut/HungerGamesSimulation has its own Shout-Out page.]
  • RidiculouslyFastConstruction: Tributes can build various shelters such as shacks, houses, or even mansions in just a single day or night.
  • RunningGag:
    • Every season has a OneTruePairing, and every season has at least one "cute" character - usually female - who [CuteAndPsycho goes on a murderous rampage].
    • Just about every season has a [TheWorfEffect particularly powerful tribute dying at the hands of a much smaller or significantly less powerful tribute].
    • Tropers/TacoBadger either nominating a clone of another tribute or nominating original characters using stock photos.
    • Tropers/ThatIdiotMan nominating "cursed" tributes in the Reboot.
    • [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Starlight Glimmer] killing Tropers/VengefulBale's tributes in the Reboot.
    • Events involving [Literature/TheHungerGames President Snow], especially those in which he's [TheyKilledKennyAgain killed] or a tribute gets romantic with him.
  • ShipTease: This can occur amongst the characters at night, where they hold hands and snuggle with each other.
  • ShootTheMedicFirst: This happened to [VideoGame/TeamFortress2 the Medic] twice. First, he died in OG Season 14's bloodbath. Then, he returned in OG Season 85, only to die in the bloodbath again. Averted|Trope (finally) in OG Season 229, where he survived until Day 8.
  • SiblingMurder: Many tributes die at the hands of their own siblings, whether they're canonically at odds against each other or not.
    • In OG Season 56, Mario stabbed his brother Luigi to death. However, he still had the sympathy to visit his brother's grave.
    • In OG Season 70, Oyster immediately knifed her twin brother Slippery Jack during the bloodbath, though she [MyGodWhatHaveIDone seemed to regret having done so] for the rest of the game and was ultimately killed shortly after erecting a memorial.
    • In OG Season 142, Flim tried but failed to kill his twin brother Flam with an explosive, but eventually succeeded by flaying him alive then throwing him into a salt pit.
    • The most infamous example was in OG Season 169, where Papyrus bashed his brother Sans' head in with a mace and showed no remorse for it.
    • In OG Season 211, Darth Maul did this by accident. He tried shooting an apple off his brother Savage Opress head, but hit the latter instead.
    • In OG Season 15, Luxanna Crownguard teamed up with [VideoGame/Undertale Alphys] and [Disney/Zootopia Nick Wilde] to counter-ambush her brother Garen and his team.
    • In OG Season 27, Liechtenstein was involved in the death of her adopted brother Switzerland by counter-ambushing him along with Bernie and Asgore.
    • In OG Season 36, Cure Bright joined forces with several other tributes to give her sister Cure Windy the Aang treatment.
    • In OG Season 55, Komaru Naegi also gave her brother Makoto the Aang treatment by teaming up with Fujiwara no Mokou and Mettaton.
    • In OG Season 89, Barry Chuckle wasn't able to convince his brother Paul not to kill him.
    • In OG Season 188, Brittany sniped her sister Eleanor in a SniperDuel.
    • In Reboot Season 97, Celeste ended up dealing a final blow to and eating her brother Blathers during the Feast, after the latter had turned into an Eldritch Abomination the night before.
  • SniperDuel: One of the custom events involves two tributes having one of these, with various possible outcomes.
  • TheStarscream: With all the Chronic Backstabbing Disorder involved with the randomization, this is a tendency among tributes.
  • TheStoner: A few of the custom events involve one or more tributes getting high, so it's certainly possible for a tribute to come across as one of these, with a notable OG example of such a tribute being the Dolorosa.
  • StuffBlowingUp: One of the more dramatic ways for tributes to die involves this, often with multiple tributes dying at once. It's also not unknown for tributes to accidentally blow themselves up while trying to arm a landmine, and at least one tribute has managed to blow themselves up in the bloodbath by stepping off of their podium too early.
  • SuperDrowningSkills: Anyone who falls into a frozen lake, including those who can swim, breathe underwater, or control water. Even if there's a variant where they swim out of it safely.
  • [invoked] TakeThatScrappy: OG Season 213 is composed of Scrappies, Base-Breaking Characters, and Hate Sinks, whether within the HGS-universe (e. g. Papyrus in OG Season 169 and Azmuth in OG Season 179) or canonically in their source materials (e. g. Poochie and Quess Paraya). They were even given insulting nicknames to boot.
  • ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill:
    • Up to five tributes can take down one. Bonus points if they're all very powerful while the victim is extremely weak. This is often referred to as 'the Aang treatment', after an incident late in OG Season 14 when [WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender Aang] got [Pun gaanged] up on by four other tributes.
    • Sometimes, be it through the event above or through other means, a tribute getting themselves killed by somebody far stronger has this feeling.
    • An unrelated event has a tribute killing another this way, [ForTheEvulz just to spite a third tribute].
    • Taken UpTo11 in Reboot Season 60, where Miko Mitama infamously subjected Kim Taehyung aka V to almost all the possible death events on the first day. A few of those events involved the Infinite Death Loop and the Hourai Elixir, forcing V to die over and over again.
  • TheyKilledKennyAgain: Any recurring tribute who dies early counts as this, but special mention has to go to President Coriolanus Snow himself, since his addition to the events as an NPC in OG Season 155.[note]He first appeared in OG Season 133 as a tribute.[/note] By the time of OG Season 181, the Hunger Games' resident PresidentEvil along with his clone was nominated as two separate tributes, they both got killed in the same season, and then he was kidnapped by Hades in the Underworld. Not that anyone has a problem, though, considering how much of an asshole|Victim he is.
  • TilMurderDoUsPart:
    • In OG Season 76, Hildy Gloom shot her husband Grim in the head with a molten rebar crossbow.
    • In Reboot Season 29, Lisa shot her husband Dracula with a BFG 9000. It was also implied that they had marital problems throughout the season, since they also fought each other two days before that.
  • ToiletHumor: Some events involve bodily functions, and a good amount of them involve farting.
  • TooDumbToLive: Some tributes die from their own stupidity, such as when one presses a BigRedButton out of curiosity, causing the machine to explode on them.
  • TooPowerfulToLive:
  • TookALevelInBadass: Occurs quite frequently. As AnyoneCanDie, it's entirely possible for characters who're completely unremarkable Muggles in their source material to triumph over city-destroying superhumans and literal Gods with ease.
  • TrademarkFavoriteFood:
    • There's a potential event where a tribute turns a rat or another tribute into their favorite food and eats it.
    • An example unrelated to the aforementioned event occurred in OG Season 174. Cynder ate a chicken parmesan sandwich two separate times. This event is a singular event, meant for only one tribute. With so many custom events, the odds of the same tribute being selected by the RNG for the same singular event more than once in a season are fairly low, so this could very much imply that chicken parmesan sandwiches are Cynder's favorite food.
      • A similar event happened to Radiant Hope in OG Season 240, where she ate UsefulNotes/McDonalds [AscendedToCarnivorism [=McRibs=]] on two separate occasions.
      • In Reboot Season 55, Kaito Momota eats an earwax-flavoured jellybean, of all things, two updates in a row. This seems to imply that he has a bizarre taste in food.
    • A tribute can exploit this by feeding another with food so delicious that they shoot straight up into the Forcefield. It's almost always implied that the food in question is the victim's favorite.
  • TrapMaster: Some tributes are surprisingly good at trapmaking, a few notable ones being Snowdrake and Darkrai, which was how they made the most kills in their respective debut seasons (OG Seasons 101 and 117).
  • UndignifiedDeath: Given how absurd some of the deaths can be, it's not uncommon for threatening villains to die in the most humiliating ways possible, such as [VideoGame/EarthBound1994 Giygas] falling into a wind turbine in Reboot Season 204.
  • UnexpectedCharacter: Invoked|Trope for Reboot Season 45, where players were encouraged to submit tributes that differed from the kinds they usually nominated.
  • UngratefulBastard: There are times when tributes are kind to others, only for the recipients to repay them by hurting them, or worse, killing them.
    • A mobile phone of all tributes was this towards the VideoGame/EliteBeatAgents in OG Season 216. After somehow getting a life-saving blood transfusion from them courtesy of [WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Twilight Sparkle], it killed all the Elite Beat Agents with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire.[note]It was then killed off by Baroness von Bon Bon in an Arena event immediately afterwards.[/note]
  • ValentinesDayEpisode: OG Seasons 120 and 201 and Reboot Seasons 29, 87, 144, and 203 had tributes who were couples or have a love/Valentine's theme.
  • WalkOnWater: There's a custom event in which a tribute walks on water, with varied results, as well as a variant that has a tribute walking on lava.
  • WelcomeToEvilMart: Several Arena Events involve the tributes going to the Villain Mall to buy weapons, fight the villains, or try to escape for their lives.
  • WhamEpisode: Several seasons are this.
    • OG Season 87 saw the bloodiest opening the Games has ever seen at the time, due to a Day 1 Arena Event[note]in which Phantom Mahatma Gandhi launched a nuclear massacre[/note], with 39 out of 48 dead at the end of the very first update. The season's aftermath saw the banning of all early arena events with high death tolls.
    • OG Season 230 utterly shook the thread, due to the fact that Gundham Tanaka [Main/BestialityIsDepraved called his] sex with Star Swirl the Bearded [PaedoHunt the best sex ever][note]Star Swirl is already a very old stallion himself, and that's not counting his over-a-thousand-year self-exile to Limbo; while Gundham is the Ultimate Breeder, which means his talent is working with animals[/note]. While there have been many cases of this before, this turned out to be the last straw for many players. This [Scandalgate "Gunstargate"] fiasco was the primary reason that the players ultimately decided to [ContinuityReboot reboot] HGS, and further steps were taken in the hopes that something like that would never happen again.
    • Reboot Season 60 came as a huge surprise, when Miko Mitama subjected V to all the ("Family friendly") death events, as it was pretty unprecedented.
    • To a lesser extent, whenever a tribute considered a ButtMonkey actually lands in the Hall of Fame, especially if they win the season, with a few notable examples being Super Vegito winning in the aforementioned OG Season 87, Lord Voldemort both claiming 1st Place and tying for most kills in OG Season 148, [VideoGame/Undertale Asgore Dreemurr] getting 3rd Place in OG Season 208, Kars getting 2nd Place in OG Season 243, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu earning 2nd place in OG Season 248, and Azmuth and Malware claiming podium finishes in Reboot Seasons 4 and 7, respectively.
    • Any season where a tribute, usually a canonically nice one, [AxCrazy snaps and kills several tributes at once] could also count as this to a lesser extent, with a few notable examples being Cho Chang[note]who slaughtered four tributes in a berserk rage after having presumably been turned to the dark side by Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader[/note] in OG Season 69, [Franchise/SuperMarioBros Yoshi][note]who rolled five into a ball and bowled them off a cliff[/note] in OG Season 210, Dave "Phoenix" Farrell[note]Same as Yoshi[/note] in OG Season 225, Steven Universe[note]who skinned five and wore them all as flesh jackets[/note] in OG Season 234, [AuthorAvatar Detective] [Tropers/TheGamechanger Gamechanger][note]who cannibalized five because he was brainwashed|AndCrazy by [Franchise/Pokemon Natu][/note] in OG Season 240, and Mikey[note]who killed five including [Patricide his own father] with a shadow dragon[/note] in Reboot Season 52.
  • WhatTheHellPlayer:
    • There exists a custom event in which a tribute calls out the player who nominated them for putting them in the Hunger Games. This can be PlayedForLaughs, but sometimes it may be more tragic, such as the case in OG Season 208 where [Anime/PokemonTheSeries James] calls out Tropers/KLS2097 for nominating him and his partner in crime, Jessie, shortly after the latter died. He then commits suicide the following day.
    • There's also an event where the tribute (somehow) outright kills the player for doing so, like when Cowbear and Galekh Xigisi beat up their respective nominators Tropers/Zanreo and Tropers/TroperNo9001 to a bloody pulp in their respective Reboot Seasons 33 and 37.
  • TheWorfEffect: It's certainly not unheard of for characters who're known to be quite powerful in their source material to be offed either early in the game and/or by someone way below their weight class.
    • A figurative case occured in OG Season 187 with Dr. Philip Sherman. Although he's just a normal (if a bit idiotic/incompetent) dentist, most of the fish characters in Finding Nemo believe that HumansAreCthulhu, especially with their scuba gear (in fact, Dr. Sherman's the trope image); which makes his death at the hands of a literal running nose and Helmethead quite jarring.
  • YouCannotGraspTheTrueForm: One custom event involves this, with the thing not being grasped being a tribute's attack.
  • YourMom: There's a custom event in which two tributes engages in a contest with this theme. A fatal version has one of them get so offended that they kill the other tribute.